Tuesday, August 3, 2010


All seminar attendees received this statement on a laminated bookmark.

Mary Kay believes that beauty is more than just the way a woman looks- it's also an expression of how she feels. From the characteristics that make her unique and unforgettable to the way she touches the lives of those around her to the products she uses to enhance her natural beauty.
A Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant is there to guide every woman in her desire to find ways to express her own sense of beauty. Because no one understands better that all women are beautiful both inside and out.


Mary Kay cree que la belleza es mas que solo la forma en la que luce una mujer. Tambien es la exprsion de su sentir. Desde las caracteristicas que la hacen unica e irrepetible, pasando por la manera en la que toca la vida de aquellosa sus alrededor, hasta los productos que utiliza papa resaltar su belleza natural. Una Consultora de Belleza Mary Kay Independiente esta ahi para guiar a toda muer en su deseo de encontrar maneras de expresar su propio sentido de belleza. Porque nadie comprende mejor que toda mujer es bella pordentro y por fuera.


  1. Hi, I'm new here! I really like this bookmark saying. It is a healthy approach to beauty. Beauty is so much more than simply the reflection in a mirror.
    Also, thank you for this blog site. I believe it has a wonderful, balanced approach to Mary Kay Cosmetics, loving the good but not being blind to the not-so-good. It has been a breath of fresh air for me after reading the anti-MK sites (hateful) or the rah-rah-rah of some MK sites. I'm so grateful I found it!

  2. Welcome Caron and thank you, please add your input or comments often, never hesitate to write an article if you are interested.


For Further Reading...

This Week On Pink Truth - Click Here
Pros and Cons of Mary Kay - Read or Contribute or Both!
First Post - Why I Started This Blog
The Article I Wrote For ScamTypes.com (here) (there)
If this is your first visit please leave a comment here. I would love to hear from you!
If you want to email me: balancedmarykay@gmail.com
But you are probably better emailing mk4me: mk4me2@gmail.com