Sunday, December 19, 2010

Unto us a son is given!

My son!  Leonidas Abram, Born at 10.06am on December 16, 2010
7 pounds 8 ounces, 19 3/4 inches!

Just thought I would stop by to share the love!
I may not be around to answer questions, so:
Yes, we are excited, thrilled, amazed and every other wonderful emotion.
Yes, mommy is doing good.  She delivered all natural (no epidural) and is recovering at the expected pace.
Yes, he is eating and sleeping very well and from all indications is very healthy.

I will be around, but if I don't answer right away, it is probably because I am spending time with my son!

Thanks in advance for all the oohs and aahs!


  1. What a wonderful early Christmas present!!
    Congratulations to both of you! He is precious. Isn't it amazing the love that comes with such a small little bundle of joy.
    It will certainly be a truly Blessed and Merry Christmas in your household.


For Further Reading...

This Week On Pink Truth - Click Here
Pros and Cons of Mary Kay - Read or Contribute or Both!
First Post - Why I Started This Blog
The Article I Wrote For (here) (there)
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