Friday, March 19, 2010

This week on Pink Truth; Friday, March 19, 2010

Hi everybody and happy almost weekend to you.

I have been very encouraged to read the productive conversation taking place these last few days.

Welcome to Apompili and Amanda!  Thanks for adding to the dialogue.

This post is, of course, where you can start up a new train of thought about Pink Truth, changes in Mary Kay, or continue a thought from the still ongoing conversation on the other post.

It occurs to me that in the near future I should update everyone on the changes that have taken place for me.  I am hesitant (as I am sure most of you are) to discuss personal things on this blog as that could take away from the focus of this blog.  

Nonetheless, as these changes have been a major reason for my lack of (regular) participation here, perhaps it would be good to offer an update.

If you are interested in hearing (I promise it is pretty exciting) please let me know in the comments of this post.

Otherwise, keep the conversation going, and keep being willing to listen to what others have to offer! 


  1. Hi Dave, I'm pretty new to posting here, but have been an avid reader:) I love this website, thank you for starting it! I recently joined Mary Kay and because of this website I did it! We can talk more about me later share about you!!

  2. What are some other good websites and blogs for pro-mk? I've checked out some, but I think a lot of them are old and not maintained. I'm looking for motivation/ideas/business tactics/etc. Obviously, I've looked through intouch, but I want some information only other consultants can give.

    Just curious, thanks!

  3. Another question:

    Is there anything a consultant can do for a customer who purchased something a couple years ago from someone else, didn't like it (TW does not go with roseaca...I could have told her that), but never got around to telling the consultant so she could make the swap? She's my customer now (my aunt), and she's not worried about it, though if there's anything I could do for her, I'd definitely like to. I know that if I did the product replacement, it would probably come up telling me it was old - and while it is - she just never got around to replacing it.

    Is there anything I can do?

  4. Thanks all for showing an interest.

    I was hoping to already have a post composed, but work (the new job I am excited to describe soon) needed a little more from me this week.

    I actually will be busy tomorrow as well... which would have been my definite - doing it today - deadline, so ya'll (there's a regional hint for you) may need to wait until Saturday or Sunday. However, I do hope to share and it should be before Monday.

    Thanks for your patience... now back to our regularly scheduled discussions...


For Further Reading...

This Week On Pink Truth - Click Here
Pros and Cons of Mary Kay - Read or Contribute or Both!
First Post - Why I Started This Blog
The Article I Wrote For (here) (there)
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