
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Can a Director earn a Cadillac w/o Frontloading?

Finally, I have had a chance to sit down and share with you a little experiment I conducted. What was my reason for the experiment? David has always expected us to provide “facts” to back up our statements and PTer’s always make the statement: that winning a Cadillac can not be done without frontloading your new consultants with $3000 - $4800 initial packages. I really could not say, “Yes, you can win the Cadillac without frontloading because I had never done so.”

Actually, I had no intention of qualifying for the Cadillac until next year after my youngest graduated from high school. We are not in car qualification because we just qualified for the Saturn approx. 6 months ago but as I will continue to say, if you teach your unit to be strong sellers, and your unit size grows, so does your natural production.
(By natural production, I mean production placed by consultants that are selling the product and need to order).

Well, I am happy to report, PT is wrong. One can win the Cadillac without frontloading new recruits and without charging the car on credit cards. Why can I now say this? Because with my incredible, awesome, super selling unit, we are now a Cadillac Unit! (Just in case you are interested I have selected the CTS)

I had planned on conducting this test next year but am happy to report, that I can report my findings at this time! How did this come about? My unit members that went to Career Conference got excited about being represented as a Cadillac Unit – (not from me), they decided it was time. I told them that it took a lot of work, effort, and consistent selling and I could not do it by myself. Our bookings, classes, and sales went thru the roof. For a person that analyzes everything, imagine my surprise at the end of the quarter when our production total was over $48,000. Without even trying we had done Cadillac Production. Well, I am not one to let anyone down, my unit had stepped it up and the work was being done, the first quarter was already complete so I stepped up my own efforts and we zoomed right along. I accepted the fact that I am now going to put a little more time into my business than I have been, but to be honest, that won’t be hard. I always feel guilty that I don’t put enough time into my business. When I read stories about directors that spend 24/7 doing MK, I figured out if I had been willing to do even 40 full hours that I probably would have been one of the top directors in the Company. I just wasn’t willing to spend all my time on my business. I have and will continue to balance my life. If my business starts to take over my life, I will simply step back to a Saturn unit. I refuse to let my business ruin my life. I do my business because it allows me a great income and the flexibility that I want with our crazy life, (plus I love it).

Now, here is a recap. During the six months, we added 34 new unit members. Of the 34, 19 of them are now qualified. But only 11 of them came in qualified. 10 with $600 and one (totally her choice) at $1800 – I actually tried talking her down but her and her husband had looked over the information and decided that was a great place for her to start (and actually it has been for her). . The remaining 8 started small and then booked, sold, and reordered. I had 5 that have not placed an order yet, if and when they are ready, they will, the remainder ordered exactly what they wanted to order.

Of the $96,000 required for Cadillac Production approx $14,500 came from my new unit members (and many of them did not place there order until their second month) which technically isn’t called New Production on our reports. So I am even being very generous on what I am calling “New” because a few of them had actually sold enough to cover their first order and placed it their second month in the Company.

What is interesting is that means only 18% of our unit production came from initial inventories. Not one of my unit members placed an order for product she didn’t need. When it came down to the final day, I was the only one that stretched, and only a little bit. Because I order between $1200 - $2000 wholesale a month every month, it just means I won’t be ordering as much this month unless my sales justify it, and that means by the end of October, my inventory will be balanced as it should be and the credit card will be back at zero).

As far as this month, we already have a very comfortable amount of production in, (naturally) and none of it is from new consultants. This is a result of not dialing for dollars and asking people to order that did not need to order. No one has product stored in boxes and warehouses and no one has the product on their charge cards. (Many of my unit members do not even have a credit card for their business and many did not even realize we were finishing Cadillac).

I had no charge backs to deal with during the qualification period, and have no fears of any charge backs in the future because of the way we operate. For my unit, do the work and you will earn the prizes. It is so imbedded in their heads, I know I could not even bribe them into ordering just for the prize.

We finished the quarter with approx. 120 unit members and approx 30 on the former consultant status sheet. (There was no “activating” consultants so that they looked active).

My heartfelt advice, if you conduct this business properly, your production will happen and you will not feel like you are on a hamster wheel. Build a very strong selling unit and recruit after one has established a strong customer base.

I am so proud of what we have accomplished. I am proud that I believe in running this business the right way. And I am “tickled pink” that one does not have to throw out their standards and beliefs to attain the Cadillac. It can be done honestly and ethically.... and I can say that now backed up with fact.

I need to share that after reading pt so much I actually had started to wonder whether or not it was possible to earn Cadillac without frontloading (see how reading enough negative stuff can actually get one second guessing themselves?). So, I guess I owe them a big THANK YOU because I think part of my motivation to qualify for the Cadillac was just to see if it could be done the right way!! Now give me a few years and my next experiment will be to see if one can win a Top Director’s trip under my beliefs.

One last thought, I am so glad that the Company started to give us the choice of Cadillacs. Personally, I like smaller, sportier cars and that was another reason I never really had the desire to have the Cadillac. I understand when driving it, it felt like you were riding on a cloud. But to me, the Deville’s and the DTS’s are boats and looks like something my gramma would drive. I don’t care how old I get, you aren’t going to catch mk4me driving a grammy’s boat or a mini van. (No offense to anyone, they just aren’t me)! Now we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the CTS!! Woo Hoo.


  1. Well, that is great and all... I mean how cool is it that one of the authors of this site is a Cadillac driving director? But really, mk4me, I need you to hurry up an be an NSD. Ya know, so that we can prove that that can be done without frontloading.

    I'll give you 'till Jan 1... hurry up.

    (((JUST KIDDING!!!!)))

    And may I be the first (on this blog) to congratulate you.

    WAY TO GO!!!!!

  2. YEA!!!!!! Congratulations! I am so proud of you. :D May I ask how large your total unit size is? If your unit it large you will most likely not have to work 24/7. My director's senior is an Executive Senior Sales Director and I know she doesn't need to put 40 hrs/wk into her business. She works every day, but not 8 hrs. All she does is call customers and hold appointments (usually in her home). And she doesn't frontload. She trained my director and my director doesn't frontload either. They tell us our inventory options and the decision is ours. I know you can do it, too! ;)

  3. OH, my director's unit is at 104 with 66 of us active. Her senior's unit is growing right now. She had offsprung two directors and had to regrow the base unit. Her goal is always to have 200 members.

  4. Congrats MK4Me!!!! What an awesome accomplishment for your unit. I am excited to see that it can be done properly and with true integrity!

  5. May I add my sincere congrats to you, MK4ME. I am so glad it was YOU that proved to the PTers what we all knew and know.

    I'm VERY proud of you and your awesome unit!


  6. Congratulations! I would love to see a picture of you and your car when you pick it up! You give me and a lot of other MK ladies inspiration, and of course, I've never doubted that success can come ethically...for you or anyone else...

  7. YEAH!!!!
    I am so glad that you gave us this great news. However I am not surprised that this can be done, my director has done it for several years! You and your unit deserve it!

    I must tell you that you will luv driving the CTS. I have one myself, not from MK, but I own a 2007 and it drives like a dream!! I can only imagine all the bells and whistles that will come with the new one from MK!!. I am like you, I have never wanted the DTS or the STS, too much like somethin an elderly person would drive. And I feel that I am still too young for that image just yet!! (nothin against the seniors, just still wanna floss my style for a while!!)

    I love this, and I luv that you gave us the breakdown of your new member production.

    Way to go!!

  8. Hey ME, how have you been? I miss your blog
    Come Back!!

  9. CONGRATS!!!! I am so glad to hear your good news and the awesome results of your "experiment"! :)

  10. mk4me, congratulations on making it to Cadillac! What a motivator for you and your team! The nicest thing about how your unit came about becoming Cadillac is that all SALES were celebrated. That teaches the up and comers that all weeks count. Be it a $500 weeks, a $1400 week or a $50 week. They all add up and they are all good. That it's just not these massive "whomps" of $1200 here and $3600 there, that makes you "successful" and leaves others wondering what they're doing "wrong".

    I'm really happy for you! Thank you for sharing!
