
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Question Regarding Where Team Members go??

As we are called "Balanced" I feel compelled to correct misleading or incorrect information...

Here is a post from another site of course, the Raving Raisinberry pops of after someone asks what will happen if she quits this month to her team members as her sister is in last month diq:

{{Your recruits will belong to your sister inlaw's unit if your sister in law makes it. If you return next month, she still gets the chargeback (9 or 13%) and so does your Senior (10 n;d 13%). If you send your stuff back while she is in DIQ, you just reduced her total unit members to 29. The only way your Director gets your recruits (placed in her unit) is if she doesnt make it. So, if she does not have 31 members when she is done on Oct 31, you just blocked her finishing and she loses your team to her Senior. }}

Now, I am hoping she just didn't explain it well as oppossed to scaring the girl into quitting this month. But no matter when she quits, the sister will on be chargeback for whatever commission she received when the proudct was purchased. Whether it be this month, next month, etc... The Company doesn't take back more than was paid, ever.

As I read it, she is MANIPULATING THE GIRL INTO quitting this month to save her sister chargebacks from her team members. Encouraging her to sabotage their relationship (and we are speaking of sisters) because the pt nuts will convince her even though her sister is mad at her, she saved her and will eventually one day will be thanked. So sad to see that yet another "PINK TRUTH" is just another PINK LIE.
It doesn't matter whether you are a consultant, diq, or director, you will only be chargedback the portion of the commission your were paid on the portion that was sent back.

I don't understand how a sister would consider doing this to another sister, she can always quit the first day of the month after the sister finishes. She obviously has been a consultant for awhile because she has a team. How evil it would be for her to quit her sister's last month of diq. The only explanation for that would be to hurt the sister. And pt accusses MK of destroying relationships???


  1. Off topic but..
    Another post busted:

    Lazy Gardens said:
    Tags, Tax & Title all paid by Mary Kay and 90% of your personal car insurance and 2nd driver insurance all paid free!

    What they don't tell you is that their private-brand insurance is more expensive than Geico, and as for the 3rd driver, there can NOT be one. This is not your personal car, it's an ad for Mary Kay and you are paying more than market prices for the privilege of being their rolling ad.

    Actually, if you and your spouse take a Driving Safety Course (even an online one) you reduce your portion of your insurance to next to nothing. Also once you have been a MK driver for two years without an incident there is another savings.

    As for the third driver, unless the Company changed something, when my son was 17, I had added him to the MK car and I was only charged $5 additional dollars a month, no where could I find such a reasonable rate!

  2. If this is the quote from over there:

    {{Your recruits will belong to your sister inlaw's unit if your sister in law makes it. If you return next month, she still gets the chargeback (9 or 13%) and so does your Senior (10 n;d 13%). If you send your stuff back while she is in DIQ, you just reduced her total unit members to 29. The only way your Director gets your recruits (placed in her unit) is if she doesnt make it. So, if she does not have 31 members when she is done on Oct 31, you just blocked her finishing and she loses your team to her Senior. }}

    I'm taking it that the original question was, "If I quit MK and sell my stuff back before my SIL finishes her DIQ, what happens to my team members?"

    I think that the answer above is saying as long as SIL finishes DIQ, then she retains those team members in her new unit. If she fails to complete DIQ, those team members fall back into the parent unit. Regardless, her chargeback is the same and so is the senior director's chargeback. It doesn't strike me as a case of manipulation unless I've completely missed something. ;)

  3. Maybe I just interpreted wrong, but I just wanted all to know for certain, that any chargebacks remain the same no matter what. And about "blocking" her from finishing, still sounds like a suggestions because of course, it would be "saving" her.

    But any chargebacks she will get will be exactly the same whether she is a consultant or director.

    Maybe I am a bit jaded from reading the comments.

  4. I think this is actually a harmless comment. Perhaps there was a motive to instill a will to "block" the SIL's DIQ. I don't know the background as far as how the questioner gets along with the DIQ. If she cares about her, a word like "block" might make her realize that her quitting can somewhat sabotage the DIQ attempt. Maybe she doesn't care. Don't know. I just don't think that this particular comment is one that initiates any ill will on the DIQ (not that there aren't others that do it). ;) For credibility's sake, I think it is a good idea to be somewhat selective in what is picked apart. If it is blatant (and that is probably not difficult to find) then counter it; but something like this just doesn't give the image of turning the dagger. If I make any sense.
