
Sunday, December 2, 2007

Pink Truth; the conversation (part II)

Please read this first - Pink Truth; the conversation

Here is the first comment I received:

Doneit said

Dear Looking fo the Real Truth...if you are looking for the real truth you came to the right place and that is Pink Truth...Honey, listen your wife isn't telling you everything. You need to keep your eyes on this site and find the real truth behind MK...because we have been where your wife is and we can tell you alot that you may not know and see. If MK was as simple as buying land and building a brand new home and selling it for a hugh profit if we all had the money to do that we would. But most folks dont have that. They work from pay check to pay check so its not that simple. Thanks anyway...keep reading Pink Truth :)

And I responded with:


What is my wife not telling me?

We also work paycheck to paycheck (more or less), I forgot to mention that we borrowed all of the money for that project from a bank. I don't want to get too far off topic with that thought, I was just trying to illustrate the benefits of recruiting someone as that was the question asked.

I have read quite a bit of Pink Truth and I don't really agree with much of what is said here. I will keep reading though, thanks.

I was banned because of:

While it is nice that "Looking" is supporting his wife, Pink Truth is not the forum for pro-MK people to promote their agendas. I also won't allow him to ridicule our mission or our members on this site.

Was I ridiculing the agenda here?

Was I ridiculing the members here?

Was I promoting a Pro MK agenda here?

Let me know.



  1. LOL LOL I was banned and I am not pro-MK. I knew too much about the inner workings of how The "Queen" operated (which is what her title used to be on the forum).

  2. hi freefrompt, think I may have seen you at Duh's site, maybe??
    This one is good for seeing both sides of the pictures. Nothing salsy like Banned but "looking" did do a nice job on PT last night with his posts, my goodness it actually went over 50 comments compared to the normal 10 - 18. More activity than they have had in months since all you "withches" got booted from the land of TCOZ to the Duh Zone!

    Totally off topic, am I the only one watching the Mini Series, The Tin Man?? (I tape it to make sure I can see it)

    TC should have let "looking" stick around, he may have really impoved her ranking.

  3. She is full of crock!! I dont hate the fact that TC doesnt like MK I hate the fact that when someone wants to be CIVIL towards her and if you dont agree its her way or the highway!! If you have a rash of intelligence about yourself she is intimidated by it. I dont discount the fact that some in MK have had bad experiences and that is in other companies as well that pay an hourly wage!! If you had seen that board from the beginning she is a master manipulator. She found a cause and handled it well in the beginning and roped a lot of people in and then tried to promote herself and not the cause.
    I was never a member of the boar and but she banned and shunned anyone who didnt agree with her or her so called agenda. She wouldnt have banned you if she didnt think you were a threat. Did you notice how one of the posters didnt want you to go away?

  4. MK4Me just so you know my mom is watching the mini series Tin Man and she loves it.
