
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Nightline Video!!! Wow!!

This actually is very cool!


  1. Okay, wow, I know we have been on NBS, and now ABC....

    trivia question??

    Have we been on CBS??

  2. OK MK4ME I want your honest opinion do you think MK is saturated? In your area or nationwide or any type of way? Im asking because you are a director and you have seen it all. I dont think the ads are going to have millions of people signing up to be consultants I was just curious as to what you thought or have experienced.

  3. Colleen, may I answer your question? My wife has been a director since '92 and a consultant since '86. I've been with her every step of the way. (Well, I was at sea when she completed DIQ.)

    I do not see any "saturation". What I do see are a lot of personal-use and hobby consultants, who order $200 whsl or less every 3 months. To me, those consultants don't count. they are not looking for new customers. I've also seen a lot of consultants who do absolutely nothing after receiving their starter kit, including a lot of consultants who make absolutely zero effort to go to training or weekly meetings, even after my wife has found a local director for them.

    The performance of these consultants (no activity, personal-use and hobby sales) have no bearing on the ability to perform of someone who wants to succeed and is willing to move out of her comfort zone to do so.

  4. I agree with you MKhonesty. I have always believed that just because there may be a lot of Mary Kay consultants in one area, that does not mean that all of them are actively working their business and really servicing customers.
    That just means that there are a lot of women with a Mary Kay starter kit.

    If all consultants were really working thier business and out actively looking to serve customers and find new ones, then maybe the market would be saturated. But that is not the case. So that really leaves a lot of ladies that arent getting served, so therefore the market is not saturated in that respect.

    Even where I work during the day, there are several MK consultants. But I dont have any problem making sales here.

  5. thank you for the answers. I also wanted to make it clear that by my statement "millions wont be signing up" I didnt mean that the MK ads wont work or were not good.
    I was in no way insulting the company sometimes you have to be careful of what you say on a blog because it may be misinterpreted.
    Im glad to hear your thoughts on this.

  6. Trivia question answer (drumroll)
    google mary kay cbs and you will see a clip from Feb 19, 2009.

  7. You get the prize Colleen! Yes - all the major networks.

    and, I have to agree with the other comments about the saturation..
    because of the personal use/hobby consultants well, let's say, if you want to find interested people they are there.

    I think what does hapen on occassions if the "circles" people run in.

    honestly in our area, we even find alot of people that may have heard of "Mary Kay Cosmetics" but have never had an opportunity to try them.

    If I wanted to I could have a booking every single night.
