
Wednesday, March 25, 2009


My apologies to everyone. I am trying to help cover for David because he has some other projects taking up his time right now but I feel I am going to let you down today. I think one of the reasons that I never had a desire to have my own blog is that I just have a busy life and don't like not doing something 100%. I have a super busy day and need tomorrow to take care of family and get ready for Career Conference. I promise a full report when I return.

I would like to ask a little favor though. On occassion I feel that I am writing the same thing over and over and don't want things to get so boring that you won't read any more. So are there any particular (MK) topic you would like me to discuss or any questions you would like me to give me best answer to?

Please share any ideas you would like to - if you dont feel comfortable posting them, you could email to me at the address below.

Today's note, people are buying MK, I have had the best sales month since December -
5 of my unit members are also having their best months,tons of bookings and the future is looking good (at least it is right now) - what has surprised me, honestly lately, is even my sales per person has increased. It does feel like that people are having to give up other big ticket items, vacations, rec. vehicle, so what money they do have, they want something for themselves.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. 3 more items tested:

    purple lip gloss (couldn't read the name on the bottom label; too small) I assume this was a MK product? Looked good, was moisturizing, didn't fade. Possibly more of a liquid lip color than a lip gloss.

    Oil Free eye makeup remover: used on entire face. Truly removes all makeup. Also removed foundation residue from the collar of my leather jacket.

    Lipstick in color Fig: This is my only not so hot review so far. It looked good when I put it on, but the color just evaporated within half an hour.

  2. We can talk about other directors you have met and how you perceive the majority of them to be

    How do you get bookings to HOLD

    Do you do any MK with small or big businesses?

    Which product sells the most in your opinion?

  3. Have a great time at CC, mk4me! I went last weekend and LOVED it! I've been working hard ever since I got back. Between yesterday and today I've sold nearly $200. I'm working on a $400 week! I've found that people are on a budget, but they do want to look good and feel good about how they look. I sold a Miracle Set yesterday!
    Miranda, great reviews! I think the purple gloss you tried may have been either Berry Sparkle or Sugarberry if it is a current gloss. I love the Nourishine formula. I really didn't think there was anything wrong with the other formula, but the Nourishine is definitely better. Not sticky at all and adds moisture.
    I agree with Colleen on getting bookings to hold. I can get the initial appointment to hold and I can even get appointments on the datebook from that party. But when it comes to getting that party to hold, they seem to cancel when I call to follow up and get a guest list.

  4. Shades what happened to your blog?
    If you dont want to say in public I understand. Tell us how Career Conference was anything new or same old stuff. Did they talk about how the advertisements are working? Let us know.

  5. I can see her blog fine...I think Blogger was prob. just doing maintenance.

  6. Hey Colleen, my blog is still there. Sometimes the server goes down. My brother/designer is contemplating going with a different company. He gets email alerts every time my server goes down and he is NOT pleased with the frequency. ;) (I'm on a stand alone host; not blogger. ;)) Most times when I'm online, the server is up, but I am not blogging as often as I want to. I am picking it back up as I work more, though! I have written a bit about Career Conference. :)

  7. Shades, maybe if you do a backup/mirror on Blogger? At least until you get a better server?

  8. Hmm...Maybe. I do have it on Wordress as a private blog so it's not duplicated in the search engines. ;) Thanks for the tip, though, Miranda. I'll look more into that. I haven't had too much of an issue with it, but do notice it down during the week a lot. My server is Media Temple and we might switch to Bluehost. Still debating. :)
