
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pink Truth: Mary Kay should not pre-judge people... we should

Pink Truth analyzes Mary Kay 'recruiting' script

I am a very analytical person. As a result, I prefer to look at numbers. I don't want to have my objections overcome before I even think of them.

I want to know what I am being offered (Purchases, Job Opportunities, etc.) before I start asking questions about whether or not it is right for me.

In other words, don't tell me, "This job will be perfect for you (operative word, "you") ..." when you don't know me.

This is one of the things that I personally do not like about Mary Kay and other similar marketing plans. They tend to require the type of thinking (and talking) that tries to eliminate objections before they even materialize. I don't think this is necessarily wrong, it just doesn't suit me at all. (Like I said, I am analytical)

Ironically, this is also the thing that irritates me about Pink Truth. By making assumptions about the women in Mary Kay (based on their personal interactions), they write off people they don't know and dissuade (or attempt to dissuade) other people they don't know with alleged omniscience... claiming to offer the "truth".



  1. It's the old "us" versus "them" thing. "We" have the answer and "you guys" are going to burn in hell because you don't. Pah!

    Say, have a look at the reader letter to PT today. This letter is entirely different from anything I've seen posted there before. She makes a lot of good points and has various experiences to share. I think that addressing the content of that letter would be a worthwhile endeavor here.

  2. Miranda,
    I read that letter and I must say that it is one of the best things I have seen on PT. I like the fact that she mentioned that MAC had quotas, people dont realize there is a LOT of pressure in retail (sometimes more than regular sales) the amount of money they ask you to sell in my opinion is horrendous vs the quota but they have to pay the base salary and the light bills, and the mall rent. I like MACs colors but most of the people I know who wear the colors look like hookers. No offense they have great mascara but the MAC women I have met look like fashion models or they are heavy on the color even if it looks nice. MK has always made its money off of skin care and I think if more consultants stressed that or made it the bulk of their inventory and bought neutral colors they would be better off. Its good to see an fair letter with great observations on PT

  3. I wear MAC (among others) and you can see my's all in the application. People go color crazy and wear clubbing looks during the day not knowing they look silly. I need to post some pix right now and then head to bed. gah I'm tired. I'm working overtime right now and it kills me.

  4. Miranda I saw your pic you dont look like a hooker and I hope I didnt offend you. I WILL say a lot of women who wear total MAC I dont mean just mascara or eye shadow (again) they either know about makeup and wear it well, they were a LOT of makeup, and if they dont know how to wear it they look like hookers. Most of the women who wear MK are older and just wear little at a time or just use the skin care. I think the average MAC person is really into color this is just my observation.
    Any woman who wants to wear a LOT Of makeup shouldnt even consider MK because its not dark enough in my opinion (this is not a jab at the gothic community either) what I mean by dark is theatre, a lot of theatre people use MAC. I think you know where Im coming from.

  5. I'm not offended. :) I know the people you're talking about. They post on the lj community "eyeshadowsluts." Those are clubbing looks, but they often wear them out in broad daylight. And those who do not know application, yeah they can look like cheap hookers lol. Then again the same thing happens with Ben Nye and Makeup Forever and many other such brands. MAC offers both subtle and bright colors. It's all about proportion and placement, and of course using the right brushes of good quality.

    I'm 40 years old, myself. I wear the wild combinations at night to the club but am more subtle in the day. When I do the art modeling, I wear the most natural makeup of all, such as MAC "jest" (a pinky pale beige with shimmer), brown eyeliner, and natural mascara, lip gloss, and a whisper of blush.

  6. Miranda I have to look at the MAC website because I didnt even KNOW they had neutral colors (have to keep up with the competition you know...LOL) I can see why someone would want to recruit you because you know a lot about makeup and shading.

  7. I can assure you, you can drum up some pretty wild looks with MK as well... Just need to know the techniques. I love our black liquied eyeliner, and we have always had black/black onyx - so any color can always be smoked. The new coal, steel, granite, sweet plum (love the sweet plum), oh, I can go on...

    A few years ago, my clients were more mature, now, between teens and under 40 out number my over 40,
    so times they are a changing!

  8. The MAC web site kind of sucks right now. It used to rock but they made everything really small and put in these stupid flash animations. GAH. But yeah, you can still click on the little color swatches and have a large swatch with a description come up. Here are some neutral names of MAC: Mystery, Jest, Shroom. There are plenty but those are 3 I can think of.

    I'm glad to know MK still offers those black and charcoal shadows. When they first came out, people reacted like no one had ever seen such a thing! Some of my customers refused to try them at all!

    I use gel/cream liners because my eyes water from allergies. MAC's fluidline stays put through a hurricane until you take it off. Any liquid liner, including MAC, will come off of me in 5 minutes.

    I think a lot of the older women are going to the Chanel, Estee Lauder, and Clarins counters. Clarins and Chanel have some good skin plumping/anti wrinkle products that I unfortunately cannot afford.
