
Friday, January 30, 2009

Weekend Stuff

Who are your rooting for? Superbowl Party is at our house!


  1. The menu: Meatball sandwiches, Potato Salad, Homemade Chili, Deviled Eggs, L'il Smokies in BBQ Sauce, Veggie Tray, Cheese cubesmand Beef Stick, Chips and Tip, Nachos/Salsa, Party Mix, Pretzels, Crackers and Cheese Ball and lots of bevages!

  2. We disregard all sports, sorry. lol

    Thank you for the lipstick! It arrived Saturday. I wore it to the club. It looks just like blackberry juice!

    I emailed you back and gave you a better email addy for me. Yahoo collects excessive spam in the inbox so I rarely use it any more.
