
Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Little Thing

Sometimes it is just the little things that mean so much. I have had a client since 1994, who happens to like the cream blush that we no longer carry (I ordered extra because I know she likes it to have on hand). I received this letter from her today with her payment for the last order I delivered to her. I just had to share it because this is one of the biggest perks of this business. I hope you enjoy the note as much as I did.

Dear mk4me, I want to thank you for all the trouble. I am 78 nyears old and live by myself. I have purchased MK since 1976, that is a long time. They were trying to sell me on Avon and I told them no way. You have been such a great representative for me and MK. I can depend on you. Remember you did the makeup for my granddaughter's wedding and her bridal party. She now has a little girl and is going to have another baby in July, we are hoping it is a boy this time. She has a beautiful home now. I want to thank you for the Christmas CD and card.
Hugs and Kisses,

It just meant so much to me that I wanted to share it. Never think doing the little things for your clients don't make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. OK mk4me the cake is done and the photo is posted. Just click on my name and it will go to my blog where I have the photo up. The photo itself has a couple issues, but you can still get a good idea of how it looks.
