
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Letter to Balanced

It is always a great feeling to know you are helping others and well, Balanced has helped a prospect. With her permission I am sharing her email! We are helping! Her email is below and hopefully we will see her posting on our blog in the near future but if not, I will let you know what she decides to do, she told me she would let me know. - I did suggest she take some time and meet the director of the unit she was looking at joining.

Dec 8 (2 days ago)

Hi mk4me:

I just got done reading your Holiday Open House post on The Truth About Mary Kay blog. After reading many of your postings there and on the Scam Types blog, I wanted to contact you.

Recently, I have been seriously considering becoming a Mary Kay consultant. I met with an acquaintance who is currently a consultant and she gave me a TON of information (without and ounce of pressure, I might add). Still, though, I wanted to conduct my own research about Mary Kay. I have read one of Mary Kay Ash's books and am currently beginning another one. I also had been looking around on the internet to see what the general public had to say about the company. I, of course, found Pink Truth right away and must admit that I was a little scared off. Then I thankfully found The Truth About Mary Kay and have been checking in on quite a regular basis.

Right from the start, I liked what you had to say. You seem to be an honest and genuine person who is a shining example of one finding success with Mary Kay by being honest, truthful and sincerely interested in the customer as a person and not as a purchaser. I feel that I am a genuine and honest person and definitely do not fit the "salesman" mold. You have shown me that you really don't need to be conniving or nudging to be successful and that all you need to do is be yourself and be creative (I am so amazed at all the wonderful ideas that you just post up there on the internet!)

I guess that I just want to say thanks for sharing your experience, your opinions, and your ideas. There are people out there that are truly benefiting from what you are writing!

Thank you and have a blessed holiday!

(I sent her an email back) and then here is her reply to that:)

Thanks so much for your helpful information! I really appreciate it. I will especially be sure to meet my director-to-be before I do anything - Thanks for that tip! I initially thought that I would be dealing with the consultant that I know - but I now realize that I would be dealing with someone that I never even met! Thanks!

Of course you may forward my e-mail to David! Instead of my name he can sign it "ThinkingAboutMK." Then if I ever blog I can sign up under that name.


  1. Way to go, mk4me! I've always admired and respected the way you run your business--guess I'm not the only one! :)

  2. This person is smart, doing research on all kinds of facts and experiences before getting started. If this is her approach to everything in business, she should do fine.
