
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pink Truth: "Mary Kay gives their directors some pretty neat stuff"

The ever eloquent Scribbler (and I don't mean that sarcastically... I am partially convinced that she is actually a professional writer that Tracy hired to keep her blog entertaining!) has constructed a fabulously witty take on the "Star Sales Director Program".

Wading through the obvious contempt she holds (or pretends to hold) towards Mary Kay, these prizes actually seem like what you would expect as a reward that is being given in addition to the compensation you are already receiving.

Check out "The Scribbler's" full post here: Pink Truther wishes she could have gotten these sweet prizes

What do you think. I know we have discussed Mary Kay prizes here before. Some think they are cheap and worthless while some enjoy the small extra value that they add as a "job well done" sort of congratulations. What do you think of the prizes that are being discussed?

What do you think of "The Scribbler's" professionalism?

Is anyone other than me still rolling their eyes at the way that Pink Truth still seems to insist that "you can't make money in Mary Kay without frontloading"... even though it seems that the only evidence they have is that they couldn't "make money in Mary Kay without frontloading"?

Leave your thoughts in the comments section.


  1. I do think that when you do the math and look at order costs and product value on the market for the prizes...unless you do *not* have to top off your order in any way, you are better off just purchasing the items yourself. Now if you really do sell that much stuff and you just *happen* to get the prize, then that would be awesome. Unfortunately, I think that happens in the minority of cases.

    Honestly, I'd love a pink coffee pot (a previous example)...but not if it said "mary kay." if it said that, I would have to put a sticker over that part...preferably something hilarious like Angry Gir or some other Invader Zim stuff.

  2. David, I have to agree with you that Scribbler is a pretty entertaining cookie and clever too. I might not agree with her view point but I can appreciate her wit.

    As for the prizes, I am grateful for them. I keep a scrapbook and every time I earn a prize I cut out the pic from the Star Consultant flyer, or whatever and put it in the book. I will tell you over the last 14 years, I have quite a collection of nice items.

    I feel that I was compensated monetarily for doing my job - the prizes are a bonus.

    As long as the system isn't abused and individuals realize, you are suppose to "work" to that level not "buy" the prize, I will continue to be grateful for any prize I earn.

    If I get something I don't have a need for, I can always find someone that would appreciate it.

    The prizes are suppose to be rewards for doing the work, not for someone to spend money to buy them.

    I still have a very hard time understanding how a "seasoned" diredctor would complain about paying $1800 for a pink toaster. Geez, if you are a director and have a customer base and you aren't selling about $1000 a month and must buy your prizes, than possible being a director isn't the right career path for you.

    I have found a can maintain sapphire/ruby star just on reorders without me calling anyone.

    As I always say, build your business on sales to clients, build a strong customer base, (a solid foundation) before you begin building your team. Work ethically and honestly and treat your Mary Kay as a business and the financial destruction won't happen.

    And if someone gave me a brand new washer and dryer, I wouldn not complain

    I have mentioned before my daughter works at Wendy's, I will take my prizes over an occassional free Frosty any day! :)

  3. Hmmm... you decide a few of the trinkets I have received in addition to a good income:
    (This list is only the prized directly from MK not from my Nationals or senior.)(and it is not everything by a long shot)

    *5 diamond bumble bees
    *13 diamond (rings/necklaces)
    *Diamond Bar pin

    *Disney World Family Trip -
    for 4 inclusive airfare, 5 days/4 nights Hyatt Orlando Hotel to four days of admission to Disney World Park

    *Golf Clubs (2 Sets)
    *Sneakers and walkman
    *Dry Erase Easel
    *Luggage (multiple sets)
    *Cordless Phone (s)
    *CD Player (s)
    *Karoke Machine (s)
    *Digital Camera (s)
    *Leather Coat
    *Directors "Casting" style chair
    *Leather office chair
    *Watch (es)
    *2 way radios
    *Living room clock
    *Inventory carrier and color set
    *Kathy VanZeeland Handbag
    *Desk Set
    *American Express $100 Card(s)
    *$75 Spa Finder Gift Certificate
    *Seminar Registrations
    *Director Suit reimbursement (several times)
    *Career Conference Registrations
    *Leadership Registrations
    *DVD Player
    *2 Red Jacket Barbies
    *2 Halcyon Collector Boxes

    and the list could go on and on but I think this gives everyone an idea..

    but personally I do consider this stuff pretty neat, what is y'alls opinion?

  4. I don't know about you, but my firm doesn't give me prizes for hitting certain sales levels! I think it's great that you get nice prizes for hitting certain sales goals. MK is one the few companies that actually reward you for your hard work--key words: hard work--rather than just pushing you to work more and make more for the man.
