
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pink Truth: Mary Kay Lies - a mini-series (Part 4 of 7) Mary Kay Will Consume All of Your Time

This is part 4 of a 7 part series. As you will see, by this point, apparently even asking a question is a lie.

Do you have a few hours a week to devote to Mary Kay?

"This one is a simple con. Who doesn’t have two or three hours a week that they waste on nonsense and could devote to something productive? Probably all of us. The problem is that Mary Kay doesn’t just require a couple of hours a week. Especially not if you’re interested in making more than $25 a week. The truth is that developing a legitimate customer base takes many hours per week. You have to find prospects, talk them into hosting parties, preparing for the parties, holding the parties, wrapping up loose ends after the parties, and then do it all over again. Then there are all the meetings and “training” events that you’re coerced to attend. Quite simply, there is a lot of time involved in Mary Kay, and anyone who tells you that you can do it in a couple of hours a week is lying."

1. Is simply asking, "Do you have a few hours a week to devote to Mary Kay?" a lie? If they say, "yes, I do" and you say, "oh good, with just a few hours a week, you can make oodles of cash", then YES, you are lying. But just asking... I don't see it.

2. "The problem is that Mary Kay doesn’t just require a couple of hours a week."
(Really? What happens? You get in and they say, "ha ha, now we gotch... you have to work, like, totally, 4 hours a week...[maniacal laughter]...andyou can't quit...ever.WHat did I miss?)

3. "The truth is that developing a legitimate customer base takes many hours per week."
(Right, but don't worry if you want an illegitimate customer base. If you want one of those, this question is not a lie!)

4. "Then there are all the meetings and “training” events that you’re coerced to attend."
(Here's a radical idea. DON'T GO!)

5. "Quite simply, there is a lot of time involved in Mary Kay, and anyone who tells you that you can do it in a couple of hours a week is lying."
(The "truthfulness" of this point depends a great deal on what "IT" is. And, frankly, "...there is a lot of time involved in Mary Kay..." sounds like a bit of a *cough*lie*cough* misrepresentation *cough*lie*cough* to me.)

Ok, MK newbies, PU consultants, and "hobby level" types. Weigh in please! Is "it only takes a few hours a week" a possibility? Obviously, (or at least hopefully this is obvious) you are not gonna be rakin' in the big bucks this way, but can Mary Kay be "done" with just a few hours a week?

Anyone out there know someone that does Mary Kay part-part-time? Is it worth it to them?

Is it weird to anyone else that Pink Truth is calling a question a lie? (not that anything they do is 'weird' to me anymore)


  1. Well, I can speak to this:
    "The problem is that Mary Kay doesn’t just require a couple of hours a week. Especially not if you’re interested in making more than $25 a week."

    My friend had a lipstick class last weekend and she sold over $700. She said her total work time -- including prep time, drive time, and packing up -- was about 3 hours. She made more than $25. A lot more. She's new. Not consistent yet, but that was very encouraging to her. Oh, and she has new bookings from it.

  2. I'll also add that my husband felt like I was spending too much time on MK. So, I have revamped my schedule. I now make all my customer calls during my lunch break at work. This actually works better! I am more likely to reach them at home and I'm not mistaken for a telemarketer.

    If I don't reach them during the week, I have one weekday evening that I use for follow up and if I still don't reach them I call on Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Phone calls don't take hours, either. I spend a few minutes on the phone with each prospect and I only call 2 or 3 each day. The more I call and talk to people, the more I want to. This is huge for me because I have issues with the phone. Mainly because I'm on the phone all day at work.

    My SCC's generally last 2 hours. My meetings also last 2 hours. Oh! That's another thing I do. I've been getting more guests to my meetings and then I don't necessarily have to book them for a different day. When they come to my meetings the tendency is they want to sign up! My intention is selling product and booking new appointments, but they just seem to want to sign up. I don't even have to ask them.

  3. The majority my unit works parttime and very few hours. What I have found is that some can't not seperate THINKING ABOUT DOING MARY KAY and actually working MK. So it can begin to feel it is a 24/7 thing but as I use as a comparison, I can think about exercising all day long, but I bet I won't see any results until I actually exercise.

    Now as a director that has built a unit of awesome unit of women and a super customer base (I did work harder early on) I actually feel guilty some of the time because I could do so much more than I actually do. We can all say oh but you need a balance, the reason I don't do more is because I like being able to do other things and I don't have a reason right now for more money - not that I couldn't find stuff to do with more but we are fairly comfortable right now.

    When I work, I work hard, when I play I play hard. As anyone can see, my new hobby is blogging, obviously I have time to do that, I have plenty of time for kids and hubby, unit members, and costumers and myself.

    I can tell you I work less than I would if I had a Corporate job and had to report to the office M -F.

    When I read the complaints about being away from my family and the money wasn't worth it - now they are at home and happy. - Well, if you didn't need the money in the first place just quitting and having more time with your family is going to happen - don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. But if you have to turn around and get another job, you haven't gained anytime.

    And for the complaints, "I was home but always absent and told the kids to go watch tv so mom could make phone calls".... I am not being mean but when one works from the home, they need to develope discipline and time management. One must figure out how to be "in your office" for a certain amount of time and use it wisely". If we do a little Mk and then go unload the diswaher, and then make lunch for the kids and then try to do a little more Mk, etc... I find that nothing gets done well as it could.

    It takes me ten times longer to do things if I keep getting interrupted and have to go back and figure out where I was and get started again. If you need to make phone calls, then spend a quality hour doing stuff with the kids and then go make a solid hour of booking calls.

    I know a few years ago, I did hire a housekeeper because I had a client that was really hurting for money and decided to try house cleaning. So I thought, it ws I way I could help her out. (besides I am not a really great domestic goddess) - I was amazed because she came int to clean and that is what she did, (all she did) that if four hours she was able to do (better than I could have) in four hours what took me the better part of a week. Why?? Because it was concentrate effort and she had no distractions.
    Am I making sense??

    I am not saying learning to do this is easy but it can be done. We must teach ourselves to divide work time from family time. Mixing the two dilutes the quality of both. (I am not saying this is black and white) but hopefully my message is getting thru.

    As for having to live by the phone at the end of the month, not do anything, that to is a choice. Work harder at the begining of the month and then let the end of the month happen. Tomorrow is the last day of August, I am sure there will be many a director feeling trapped, not enjoying their Labor Day Weekend, could it have been self inflicted? I will check emails in case any unit members do forward me an order to submit but I will be on the road going to the races and possible won't be back before the deadline. What is in before I leave will be what is in for the month. Anything else will go in for September. I won't live feeling trapped. (Please note if I had a unit member that was trying to finish something, I would find a way to accomodate both of us) but I can not give up having any life for a Career.
