
Friday, June 6, 2008


I am breaking so many of my own "rules" here it's not even funny, but I just had to give this the recognition it deserves.

STRT just made the following comment and I thought it needed to "go live", so here it is.

I was at Target yesterday. Yes, there with t-shirt, hat, no makeup, my son in his swimshorts and rash guard shirt on.

I looked up and saw this lady and she gave me a slight smile. I thought that I recognized her. Yes, it was her. I looked back to see her talking to another gal who was wearing a MK name badge. Oh my gosh, they aren't! Yes, they were.

They were rolling buggies around, pretending to be shopping, and interrupting other shoppers. Just straight up, rolling up to them, and giving them a spiel! I could not believe my eyes. Part of me wishes that I had reported them to security myself. I was embarrassed for MK and for that poor consultant. I wanted to walk up and say, "Just stop it, please! You are giving us all a bad name and this is no way to teach this consultant to work her business."

When I was leaving the parking lot, I drove down the middle land to see if I saw her Pink Caddy. No, but the consultant was getting into her car. I slowed down so that she would pull up behind me as we left the parking lot. I wanted her to see that I am driving a MK car, but that I am NOT going through the Target like a ding-a-ling.

I empathize with that consultant, I really do. Who in their right mind thinks this really works? Why would you put someone through that type of stress and humiliation? And what do they think that those who are accosted think? It's not good ladies. How would you react?

Please, stop the madness! Stop accosting people. If you meet someone in public and talk to them about MK, that is one thing, running people down in the aisle at Target is another. And that goes for standing at the mall doing surveys. Do you really think that people trust you or feel warm to you when approached that way? Get real! Stop encouraging consultants to order too much inventory and stop recruiting their mom and 2 sisters for them before they even hold their first party. Stop offering my consultants the opportunity to hear you speak, for a $20-100 ticket. Stop offering my consultants your CDs and other materials. Please stop telling everyone that you meet that they would be great in Mary Kay. You don't even know her, she could be a meth addicted call girl! Please, stop!

Thanks STRT, and please consider becoming an author - so that you can cut out the middle man (me) that may or may not be very quick to get a gem like this 'live'. Ask mk4me, shay or shades of pink... it really is painless!


  1. Thank you! I cannot tell you how much I detest being accosted by salespeople. I hate it so much that when someone does approach me to annoy me with a sales tactic that I develop an immediate dislike for the person. Let me give it to you from my point of view. I am in Target. I have my two cranky kids. I am probably cranky and distracted and trying to remember my shopping list, my errand list and the name of that movie I wanted to add to my Netflix while trying to maintain my children. Along comes Ms. Oblivious Consultant and as she approaches, I believe that she needs help finding the detergent aisle or maybe she just wants to share some Mom-camaraderie like "My kids make me insane too, don't sweat it!" Instead she asks me if I would like a free facial. Or if I would like some pampering. Or if I will take a survey. Do I look like I want to take a survey? I know you just saw me about to cry because I am so frustrated with kids and shopping and yet you think that you should come over and bother me? And you're not even being smart about picking me in the first place. I am wearing no make-up, a Halo 3 t-shirt and I most certainly smell like the goat barn that I was raking before I remembered I forgot my dentist appointment that was in the town 30 miles from my house- 10 minutes before I had to be there. On top of all this, now I have to feel bad because I don't want to hurt your feelings. I am left in the uncomfortable position of 1. lying, 2. being mean or 3. continuing to politely brush you off as you so rudely refuse to take the hint and thereby force me to resort to #2 because you make me mad and then feeling bad about it later because I am a nice person.

    I was in Target- which does not sell Mary Kay- therefore, I was not there to buy Mary Kay and you should not be stopping to sell it to me. Would you like Target to have someone drop in on one of your facials and try to take your business? I didn't think so. I have been approached 2 times at Target and once at Starbucks. The time a consultant approached me at Starbucks was my first moment of peace after baking and delivering a wedding cake. Yes I looked professional. I also looked tired and peaceful. You were also busy with a potential recruit!! That makes you double rude for taking her time and mine. And again, Starbucks also does not sell Mary Kay so I obviously did not go there to look for/ research/ buy Mary Kay.

    I was obviously busy and yet you came up to me anyway, which is rude. Even my four-year-old knows not to interrupt or bother someone when they are in the middle of something.

    It's rude to suggest that someone needs make-up or a facial. It implies that they need make-up and a facial.

    There's more in your comment I want to address but this is getting long. I guess my point is that I agree with you very strongly!

    Thanks for your comment

  2. I don't approach people at stores in this way because I don't like being approached in this way. It pisses me off. Now, sometimes, I have a pleasant conversation with a stranger and I then will say, "I want you to know that I have really enjoyed talking with you. I happen to be a MK consultant and one thing I do is give facials and makeovers to anyone willing to try out products. I would love to spend more time chatting with you sometime. Would you mind taking my card?" I often try to schedule a time right then and there. Now, I don't do this to customers at a store. I have done this at the bank with tellers that I really click with. The tellers at my bank are so friendly and I would love to offer them my services. I ask in a way that is not to make them feel like I'm only talking to them to get a sale. I absolutely do not want anyone to think I am only viewing them as a dollar sign or a number in my sales business. There are right ways and wrong ways. I think "fake shopping" to get leads is something to be abhorred.
    I know how "your mom" would feel especially if all the consultant says is, OH FILL OUT MY SURVEY! Ick! I would hate that, too!
    I have a question for "your mom," though. Now, you have described the "wrong way" to approach a prospect at a store. Now, let's spin it differently. What if this consultant approached you and instead of shoving her sales pitch down your throat all at once she said, "Wow, I can see you really have your hands full! I do facials, makeovers, and pedicures. Can I treat you to one of my services? I think you would love it!" Would you be more honest with her then? Just wondering. ;) OH and what if the consultant was REALLY SHOPPING FOR REAL and just thought you were someone she wanted to talk to? Would you be flattered or pissed? Just curious. :)

  3. My wife hates to "warm chatter". About the closest she'll get to that is giving a cashier her business card, but ONLY if there is no one behind her in line. And no, she has never sent her business card with her (daily) deposit slip and customer checks through the pneumatic tube at the credit union drive-up. Accosting people in malls is usually a quick way to have Security show you the door.

    Boothes are another matter, if they are inexpensive. (We seen consultants pay hundreds for bridal fair boothes.) Also, you have to be exclusive. If the organizer won't guarantee that my wife will be the only MK booth, then she won't do it. Otherwise it leads to all sorts of confusion when she starts doing the follow-up calls.

    That said, "your mom" needs to come down off the limiter. Salespeople usually know where to find what you are looking for, especially if it not on the floor but in the storeroom. They even know if the thing you are looking for is the last one and the management just stuck it in the back yesterday. Besides, the salespeople are supposed to come up and ask if they can help you. They are trained and paid to do it. Have you ever filled out an online survey (perhaps for your chance to win $1,000 gift card, etc)? The survey always has a questions along the line of, "were you greeted by a salesperson?" or "were the salespeople helpful?"

    Note to "Your Mom": for your own sanity, do not move to a country where you are expected to dicker (negotiate) the price of everything, including fresh food.

  4. I took it that "your mom said" was talking about sales people who do not work at the store in question.

  5. BTW, I don't even like when I am walking down the mall and there are sales people hanging off those kiosks in the middle trying to spray you or rub some type of lotion on you. I try not to make eye contact with them, thinking that will let them know that I am not interested, but that doesn't always work.

    Booths are different and I agree, they must be at a minimal cost, I must have exclusivity, and the crowd attending must be the demographic that I am looking for (women!)

  6. LOL Shades! I had something similar happen to me at church. i had just started attending. here i was a single mom of three, one with autisim and ADHD. I was absolutely HAGGARD. One day a man approached me with his wife's business card and told me his wife would like to offer me a free massage (she was a massage therapist). I was mortified!

    I managed to get the kids in my car before I started crying. All I could think was, "God, these people think I'm a terrible, stressed out mother and I can't handle life". It was a nice gesture, but very bad timing. I didn't speak to that couple until two years later, not because I was mad, but because I was embarrassed.

    That is why I have a hard time warm chattering. I worry that people will think I think they are ugly. I also worry that they will think I'm only talking to them to make a sale. Needless to say, my business isn't growing. Soemone tell me a "good" way to get customers, please.

    Kim (posting as anon because I can't remember my password)

  7. Let me add to my previous comment about "salespeople": The problem that some people have with "salemen" is that the term is often synonymous with "used car guy in plaid jacket". The problem that the potential customer has is knowing whether the salesperson really knows her product, whether it's makeup, bras or refrigerators, or whether her last job was selling flowers on the corner.

    I'm in "sales". I'm selling my own products. My products are very specialized and not cheap, but a whole lot cheaper than building a new building. I find that I have to build a relationship with the potential customer so that the person I'm talking to knows that I'm not just trying to make a sale and get out of town. I've seen hundreds of applications of my product, while my potential customer has probably seen his warehouse and maybe 5 others. I know that I know a whole lot more about my product and its application than my potential customer does, but I can't come off as an over-bearing know-it-all.

    My point is that you cannot build a relationship in a forced, uncomfortable location, no more than I can by walking into a potential client's weekly in-house meeting without an appointment.

    So the best way to find new clients is for them to be referred to you by satisfied clients. I'm sure that there are people who will say, "but what about the people who don't know what you offer or maybe even don't know that you can help them?" That's where advertising comes in, whether it's MK sponsoring the CMA's or a consultant running a business card-size ad in a weekly newspaper. A MK consultant can be her own best advertisement. My wife tells me all the time about the unexpected compliments she gets from people. Yes, it's usually "Where do you get your hair done" or "I love your nails", and yes, MK does not have hair or nail procducts anymore, but the person doing the compliment would not be doing it unless she was impressed with the total look. So consultants, you are in the fashion business. If you are looking for new clients, take a look in the mirror before you go out the door and ask yourself, "would I want to buy cosmetics from me". Then use that unexpected complement to get the person's name, phone number, and when a good time to call her would be. then follow-up when you said you would. Just like a person who wants a job opening, the consultant has to call, submit a resume with a great cover letter (send her a catalog), get a booking (an interview), then show your knowledge and enthusiasm at the booking (interview). Only then will you get the sale (the job).

  8. STRT, in regards to your "sales people hanging off those kiosks" comment: My wife has always taught consultants that you cannot stand (and especially not sit) behind the table in your booth. The organizer will invariably put the front edge of the table at the edge of the walking area. My wife will push the table three feet into the booth and then stand in front of the table. Standing behind the table sets up an automatic barrier, and sitting behind the table (and perhaps eating) tells passers-by that you don't want to be bothered.

    Yes, she "accosts" people: "have you seen our new ...", "have you tried our fragrances", "I'm giving away a free brush set to one lucky person today, would you like to sign up". She doesn't spray people (although she does scent the booth with a MK fragrance), but if a consultant doesn't get out of her shell and start the conversation with people, then she is going to get a whole lot of nothing.

  9. mkhonesty, I don't think that you are understanding what I am saying. Booths are totally different. When someone attends one of those type events, that is what they expect. When one is just trying to walk down the mall, it is not. For me, there is a difference. I disagree that being behind the table sends the wrong message. I like to have a great display of our products at the front of the booth to "attract" potential clients over to talk with me, then I do not have to "attack" them. If they walk up or look my way, they are making the first move and inviting me to talk with them. I think that many people avoid situations where people are hanging out of a booth, I think they like to choose who they talk to, etc.

    In the booth situation, whatever works for you, I just know that when I am on the other side of the fence, I appreciate a booth where I can walk up and shop or look without the sales person being right there beside me.

    mkh, I think that you have missed the whole point of this post. These ladies were accosting shoppers at the local Target. I witnessed the consultant push her buggy right up to someone who was looking at greeting cards and start her spiel. Besides being against Target's no solicitation policy, I find it annoying and aggravating for those shoppers. Do you not agree?

  10. Kim, I agree with mkh about looking the part, it attracts people to you. Now, with that said, you will not find me fully decked out in MK all the time. I have a life and my customers enjoy seeing how MK improves my appearance and what my skin really looks like, they've commented on it.

    As for meeting new clients, word of mouth is great, so put a referral program in place. Parties are the best referral system for us, but so are offers to have a makeover and get so much off for bringing a friend, etc. One of my main tools is goodie bags. Everyone likes to get things, and it comes across better than just samples. I use the tiny little "I Love Lips" bags or something similar, enclose samples and a coupon for $10 off at the time of a makeover, & top it off with a little tissue. It is a great conversation starter. I give to them to people that I see more than once, for instance at my dry cleaners or doctor's offices. Then I can ask her if she tried anything in the bag or if she wants to use her coupon when I see her again.

    It sounds like mkh's wife does drawings, but I do not. They are time consuming and frustrating for me. I do not do fish bowls either, although some swear by them. I've just never had a single thing come from one.

    As mkh said, relationships are key. Be likeable, be friendly, everywhere that you go. Look for opportunities to talk to others. For instance, be at school when other moms are, get to appts. early so that you have time to talk to people, and don't always bring MK up first. I usually don't take in Goody Bags on the first visit, I establish some rapport and feel it out. Then I often tell them when I am leaving that I will bring them some goody bags. For me, it's a better flow and not so "in your face first thing".

  11. OK, you don't like being approached by sales people while out and about. I don't either, but is it the approach or just that you know they are in sales?

  12. Shades, you may not be asking me, but I'll answer anyway.

    It does have to do with the approach and the situation. If I meet someone somewhere, and we are talking and she wants to tell me what she does, fine. I don't like situations like the one that I witnesses in Target. There was no relationship or anything, it was really not much different than an uninvited sales person knocking on your front door.

    It is not that I dislike sales people or selling, I dislike the tactics that some use, and that give us all a bad name.

    Attract people. Let them know that you provide a service and that you have information and products to help them. Make yourself valuable.

  13. strt, I understand COMPLETELY where this post started, and both my wife and I agree COMPLETELY that what these consultants were doing in Target is (1) against Target's "no solicitation" policy, (2) a generally ineffective way of getting new leads, (3) going to annoy the real Target customers, and (4) gong to give anyone outside of MK the absolutely wrong impression. What these consultants were doing in Target is only slightly different from cold caling or ringing doorbells.

    I can't remember the last time my wife did a booth in a mall. I could see some problems approaching the mall customers, because a lot of them are not there because of the boothes. She usually does boothes at the American Legion or something set up by our local chamber of commerce, where it is very clear that this is a "booth show". She has also had very good results with a booth when the Taste of Home cooking show comes to town. But she is an ardent believer that if the consultant stays behind the table, then a lot of people are just going to smile and walk on by.

    I just previewed my post and saw your latest post. Looks like we're on the same wavelength.

  14. Amen strt, late to the show again, #3 stepson graduated from high school tonight! yippee skippy and I am watching my granddaughter so that the kids can have a night to celebrate their anniversary. I'm letting her stay up wicked late and then I think we are going to have another slush puppy and popcorn!! Then she wants to paint our finger nails and toe nails all while watching Sponge Bob!

    I have seen it, the MK stalker and cringe, I don't warm chat as in targeting people, surveys, etc... the only thing I do find is since Mk is sort of a part of me, if I am like waiting in the check out line and a conversation is startedwith another waiting in line, if Mk comes up I just sort of say, oh, yes, I am a consultant with Mk, believe it or not, I usually drop it at that, guess what, the person I am talking to will then usually ask me more questions, that I can handle, but it is natural.

    My unit and I do alot of home party expo fairs, bridal fairs, and health fairs. We do great at these and we normally stand in back of the table and just smile. If one approaches the table, we will say, are you familiar with Mary Kay products, or have you tried Mary Kay products, and just start a light conversation, -are you currently serviced by a consultant, "yes" great!! "no" - we are doing a drawing for a facial/makeover and a $25 gift cerrtificate redeemable at the time of your appointment, if you are interested you are more than welcome to register? And step back or sit down and let the individual browse and fill out the entry form if they wish. I don't care for standing in front of the table, personally, it looks to hungry. If I am in the mall and someone is on the outside of the table, I will walk on the other side of the corridor so that I don't have to deal with them. So at our tables, I try to make sure it is relaxed enough that anyone can walk up and browse and ask questions without feeling like they are being attacked.

    I have taught my consultants NOT to "talk the person" into registering because if they aren't truly interested, I don't feel like wasting my time calling them. The leads we do collect tend to have a sincere interest.

    My other pet peeve while we are on the topic of embarrassing... especially with Seminar coming up,
    let's get real, if you are attending the last Seminar and 4 others have been there before you, the odds are the clerk at the hotel as been warm chatted more times than one could count and with a whole line of people checking in and checking out - the last thing she wants to do is have you give her your business card and get her information so you can meet with her in the bathroom of the hotel on her 10 minute break to facial the back of her hand.

    Oh please, this does not look professional, it is a major inconvenience for all around you and you look like a niny. (Sorry but wow, that felt really good)

  15. I was taught that if we do warm chatter, we should approach women who look nice, hair and makeup done, and look like they take care of themselves. These are the ladies who can give you an honest opinion about the product and who, to put it frankly, will most likely spend money on themselves if they see something they like. I never thought of warm chatter as being an insult to someone as if to say they are ugly or that they are in need of a makeover, but clearly some women may take it that way.

    Eventhough that is what we were taught, I never really did it much because I dont like approaching strangers for that. Most of my business comes from referrals that I get during classes and facials. However there is a difference in mentioning your business to someone during an already existing conversation, and walking up to a complete stranger out of the blue talking about MK. I wont do that.

  16. Thank you all! I don't warm chatter either. But, I do mention what I do when I meet someone and have a good conversation. If I think we have some things in common and tell them what I do and offer them my card. :)My favorite way to meet new leads is bride shows or other booth events where people know the purpose of the booth.

  17. I have been "warm stalked before", I must be a little warped because, a couple of times the consultants were sweet and cute and of course, I was gracious in telling them thank you but I was already a consultant and left it at that. But there was one occassion, all I can say, is I am glad that the little chickadee wasn't in my unit, aggressive, obtrusive, over the top, yadda, yadda, yadda, everything you don't want your unit members to be, actually she was close to rude.- (the evil me took over), I let her go on and on, how much she was making, how she was going to win the cadillac, etc... then smiled and said, Hi, "my name is mk4me and I am a Sales Director right here in bumpkin land, have you gotten much posetive response from your warm chatting today??

    Want to guess her answer? So we had a pleasant little conversation on treating others as you would want them to treat you. And if you are going to insist in warm chatting - you attrack more flies with honey than vinegar!!

    Guess you had to be there to see her face when I introduced myself.

  18. STRT said "Now, with that said, you will not find me fully decked out in MK all the time. I have a life and my customers enjoy seeing how MK improves my appearance and what my skin really looks like, they've commented on it.

    Hey, ask my UPS man how great Mary Kay works!! (Poor man)

  19. HAHAHAHA! My UPS man probably thinks that as much of this stuff as he brings me, I should put some of it on!!

    And I completely agree about Seminar, CC, etc. I have seen consultants getting the waitresses info. while she is trying to work! It always embarasses me, for both of them. Now sure, when we have met at hotels, I will talk with those at the desk and my contact there, but this thing at Mary Kay events is just awful. It makes us seem desperate when we trap someone who obviously has to be nice to us and force them into giving us info. as you keep them from doing their job.

    I also agree with whoever said it, I mention MK and gauge their reaction. Or, I am wearing my pin or my MK hat. If they mention it, the door is open.

    BUT, under any circumstances, we should not be running up to people telling them what we earn, etc., unless they ask. Start right, with the products and an offer to try them. Stop there unless she is wanting to discuss the opportunity, and then you should give her info. or invite her to talk about it. Don't spew out 15 min. of your best comments the first time that Mary Kay is mentioned unless you are truly in a conversation somewhere appropriate and can complete the conversation.

  20. Okay, I have a few thoughts...

    1. In one of mk4me's comments, she said "if you are attending the last Seminar and 4 others have been there before you, the odds are the clerk at the hotel as been warm chatted more times than one could count." I have a related beef... If you are at Career Conference, Seminar, etc., etc., the bell boy, servers, cab drivers, valet parkers, baristas, and anyone else in the service industry that you encounter DOES NOT WANT PRODUCT (SAMPLES OR FULL SIZE) AS A FORM OF "PAYMENT" OR GRATUITY/TIP. Ahh...I said it. I feel so much better.

    I am a server at a restaurant in Salt Lake City, and I work with people who have second jobs at resorts where Mary Kay shin-digs are held. One friend of mine does valet parking and has received full sized product as a tip several times. Now what in the hell would he want that for??? That doesn't pay his bills!! So please, please, please don't ever do that.

    2. My director is a huge fan of warm chattering and will often meet consultants at the nicer Wal-Marts and Targets for the sole purpose of training them on how to warm chatter and "get names." I've always felt a little dishonest pushing a cart around, putting a couple things in the cart to look like a legitimate shopper, and picking out the cutest/sharpest looking gals in the store to go talk to...wandering over, right next to them, looking at whatever they were looking at, then trying (so uncomfortably) to start up a conversation that would lead into "I do Mary Kay, blah, blah, blah."'s painful to think about.

    I'm so happy to hear that I'm not the only one that doesn't enjoy this or feel good about it. If I am out shopping and running errands (for real) and end up chatting with someone for a legitimate reason, then I'll definitely get their phone number. The girls at stores where I frequently shop all know by now that I do Mary Kay and I've facialed most of them.

    Anyway, all rambling aside, I really hate going to stores to wander around to get names. Yuck. I'm all over customer referrals, though!

    P.S. I think when Mary Kay said to talk to anyone in your 3 foot radius about Mary Kay, she probably meant to do that while you are out living your life and doing what you do. I doubt the intention was for consultants to go out and force their 3 foot radius on every woman shopping at Target.

    3. I forgot my other thought. :) So, just 2.

  21. Sorry it has taken so long to respond back, my goat finally had her babies so I have been busy!

    I guess I'll just get to the first two responses so far.

    Shades: Even if you were being completely sincere and nice when offering me a facial/pedicure, I would resent your intrusion into my personal time and space. There is no time while I was out and about that I would appreciate someone interrupting me for an ulterior motive. The fact is, you would be offering me that facial to get me to buy something or to get leads, etc. While many women say that Mary Kay is about helping women and teaching skincare, the fact is that it is ultimately about money- it's business and there is nothing wrong with that, except when you intrude on my day and bother me. I'm not saying that you're bad, I am telling you how I would feel in the scenario that you gave me.

    I know this blog is often filled with people who resent the business, so I want to be clear this is not about Mary Kay. It is about approach. You asked about what I would appreciate. If I approached YOU and said that I loved your eyeliner or your lipstick and you said, "here's my card, makeup is my business!" If we were sitting next to one another on a plane and got to talking and got to know each other and you said "here's my card, I do Mary Kay if you're ever interested!" I want you to know that I would completely be able to tell if you started a conversation with a motive other than being friendly. You really have to be careful because many women will be turned off if you lead into Mary Kay because they will believe that you were insincere. This is my opinion and how I would feel.

    Now for Marykayhonesty. I don't think I need to come down off of any limiter. It is written on the door of Target that people are not allowed to solicit. I don't have to put up with a darn thing while shopping. If you bother me while I am shopping, you are no better than a telemarketer. You are cold calling my day, interrupting my time with an unwanted approach.

    I can see I was not specific with my definition of salespeople. I was thinking about salespeople that won't take no, follow you, interrupt you in an unrelated store, call you continuously, are aggressive, are rude...I can go to plenty of stores and ask an associate there to help me find an item. I do not hate those people. Why? Well, I went to that store to buy something and I knew I would need help. There is a huge difference between going to Target to buy clothes and having a Mary Kay consultant accost me in the shoe aisle and going to an electronics store to buy a computer and having an associate help me with my purchase. And you know it.

    I found this part of your comment particularly condescending: "Note to "Your Mom": for your own sanity, do not move to a country where you are expected to dicker (negotiate) the price of everything, including fresh food." I live in farm country. I attend a livestock auction every week where I have to bid on items and sell items. I dicker on the price of goats, eggs, milk and fresh vegetables. I sell my own animals and I have to show them and get people to not only buy them, but pay more for them then other people's animals. I just purchased 2 papered goats at a significant discount because I agreed to take the baby that had a flaw. The lady needed to thin her herd and I was willing to wait to use the baby for breeding next year to cash in on my investment. We both went away happy. I got the pair for half the price advertised, so I know all about dickering.

    What I don't do, is go to the animal aisle of Target and ask someone to take a survey on farm animals so I can get their phone number and try to sell them a goat. I don't offer them free goat milk or fresh eggs to sample at Starbucks. I don't go to the produce aisle and tell people that I could give them better quality at a better price. When I am at the farmer's market, I don't put a basket of my soaps out to be "won" so that I can get phone numbers to call and try to get people to let into their homes to sell them stuff.

  22. Your Mom said: "You asked about what I would appreciate. If I approached YOU and said that I loved your eyeliner or your lipstick and you said, "here's my card, makeup is my business!" If we were sitting next to one another on a plane and got to talking and got to know each other and you said "here's my card, I do Mary Kay if you're ever interested!" I want you to know that I would completely be able to tell if you started a conversation with a motive other than being friendly. You really have to be careful because many women will be turned off if you lead into Mary Kay because they will believe that you were insincere. This is my opinion and how I would feel."

    That is typically my approach. I don't approach at all. I wear a MK pin and/or carry a MK bag. People who want what I have will ask about it. So I don't have to. I hate the idea of talking to people I don't know. I wear my pin and try to look presentable so that people who are interested will talk to me. :) I also prefer to do table events because in those situations, people are visiting my table and know why I'm there.

  23. I think that is a great way to do things. Your post and the post about keeping customers made me want to add a bit to this. When you do find a customer, you should give her options. Such as "I like to provide excellent customer service, but I don't want to be the annoying consultant that makes you crazy. Would you like me to send you the Look and a quarterly e-mail? I can also let you know when your favorite products go on sale." This is what businesses do. Businesses do not call you all the time or dial for dollars. Could you imagine Ulta calling you and telling you they are competing to have a $1000 day? Please don't do it. I have dropped consultants of another direct sales business because they were so pushy. I love to receive catalogs and I will usually buy something if I get one.

    Incidentally, that's good and passive advertising. Leaving a catalog with your name in certain places works great! My favorite salon has Mary Kay and Avon catalogs that you can look through while you wait. I always see something I really want when I flip through them. If I take one home, my mom or sister will flip through it and maybe they want something too. I might see one on a friend's table and look through it. I can't tell you how big of an asset a catalog is. I do think that the sales idea of a copy of the Look in a bag is actually a good one. And I think that if you give someone a catalog with your card stapled to it, you are likely to get an order, especially if you give it and tell them there is no pressure to host a party, all you ask is that they mention you to their friends if they are happy with your service.

  24. Oh, and it depends on the approachability of the prospect. If they don't look friendly or smile I won't talk to them. But I typically only speak when spoken to.

  25. Those are excellent points, You Mom! Thanks! :)

  26. I enjoyed this post. Thanks STRT.

