
Friday, June 20, 2008


Due to the proliferation of anonymous users disregarding repeated requests to self identify, the policy regarding anonymous commentators will be changing.

This will be a slow process, starting with this announcement and ultimately ending with a policy that does not allow anonymous comments.

There will be a period of transition because (as I understand it) once I disallow anonymous commenting, all of the options are removed except for that you log in with either a blogger ID or a OpenID. This is not a difficult process by any means, but I know that it will take some of you a while to get it done because of time constraints.


Glad you asked.

Please get yourself an ID. OpenID supports many ID's including; wordpress, typepad, livejournal and even AIM. Blogger of course will allow you to use your google/gmail account.

Please begin this process immediately so that we all have time to recognize each others "new" ID's.

Thanks in advance, and please leave comments here regarding this topic. (questions, suggestions, etc.)


  1. well done mkhonesty... thank you.

    would you care to share with the rest of the class how easy it was to get "set up"?


  2. I was wondering~can you use comment moderation-or would that take up too much time?

    I set up a blogger blog mainly to be able to comment on blogger blogs with more ease. I just stay signed in all of the time. I have my blogger blog direct people to my real blogs at wordpress-so I don't have to always clarify where I am at!

    It is sad that it has had to come to this!

    Good Luck!

  3. Thanks Mere,

    Yes, I can use comment moderation. But in order to do that, I need to disable the anonymous comment feature. So although it is not the reason that I am doing this, it will add another layer of protection against spam comments once we make the transition.

    Mere, can you try the open ID feature for me? I know you have a wordpress ID and I am wondering how well that works for wordpress users. (it is the second radio button)

    Let me know how it goes


  4. Will the Name/URL option still be available?

  5. scam,

    I am not sure, but I don't think so.

    We will see. Sorry if that feature doesn't carry over.

  6. Will you leave Name/URL available?

    Otherwise no more x. Back to lurking.

  7. Oh sorry, I just asked what scam asked.

  8. Is that your real picture you're using for your blogger profile?

    If so, Scametta says you're cute.


  9. does this mean that I need to register somewhere? I am very leery about registering with my real email address or anything that might disclose my identity. From what I have seen on some of these blogs, I prefer to remain an unknown identity. Not that any of you are not trustworthy, but hey, I don't really know any of you or the rest of the people in internet land.

    And scam, were you referring to mercedes in your cute comment? I couldn't figure that out and was thinking what the heck, then the pic popped up, hilarious!

  10. strt,

    you can get a google account by clicking the google/blogger circle and then clicking the "sign up here" link. This will take you to a form where they will ask you for your current email. Then you can choose whatever display name you want. No one on this site (including me) will have access to your email address. All we will see is the display name that you provided. If you click on mkhonesty's name at the top of these comments, you can see how much information they give out about you (which is none).

    If you have any further questions about this, email me at and I will help explain anything else you need explained.


  11. Scam, yes its me - thanks scametta!


  12. Colleen this is a test.

  13. The poster formerly known as Black Nova. :)

  14. I have never made a comment on any blog before. I am a former Mary Kay consultant and a Mary Kay customer. I love the product. I did not however do so well with being a consultant. My consultant/recruiter has been amazing. She is supportive with out being pushy. She has allowed me to bow out gracefully. She continues to support me in showing me new tricks and new ways to help me look my best.
    The product has done wonders for my skin. My youngest son recently married, my consultant attended the Wedding. She generously offered to do the entire Wedding party's make up. All of the bridesmaid's along with the Mother's of the Bride and Groom. The Wedding party was rather large and she spent quite a bit of time bending over, and on her knees. She is amazing and I am very sure there are may more Mary Kay consultants like her.

  15. I have never made a comment on any blog before. I am a former Mary Kay consultant and a Mary Kay customer. I love the product. I did not, however, do so well with being a consultant. My consultant/recruiter has been amazing. She is supportive with out being pushy. She has allowed me to bow out gracefully from being a consultant. She continues to support me in showing me new tricks and new ways to help me look my best.
    The product has done wonders for my skin. My youngest son recently married, my consultant attended the Wedding. She generously offered to do the entire Wedding party's make up. All of the bridesmaid's along with the Mother's of the Bride and Groom. The Wedding party was rather large and she spent quite a bit of time bending over, and on her knees. She is amazing and I am very sure there are may more Mary Kay consultants like her.

  16. I have never made a comment on any blog before. I am a former Mary Kay consultant and a Mary Kay customer. I love the product. I did not however do so well with being a consultant. My consultant/recruiter has been amazing. She is supportive with out being pushy. She has allowed me to bow out gracefully. She continues to support me in showing me new tricks and new ways to help me look my best.
    The product has done wonders for my skin. My youngest son recently married, my consultant attended the Wedding. She generously offered to do the entire Wedding party's make up. All of the bridesmaid's along with the Mother's of the Bride and Groom. The Wedding party was rather large and she spent quite a bit of time bending over, and on her knees. She is amazing and I am very sure there are may more Mary Kay consultants like her.

  17. So sorry I some how must have posted my comment numerous times. Please be patient I should get the hang of this blogging stuff soon.

  18. If we're needing to use a Google/Blogger ID, this is my user name from here on out. :)


  19. Aaaarghhh... now she wants to know if YOU are free on Friday nights? :D
