
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Honest, ethical Director speaks out

The following is written by Speaking the Real Truth - all I did was copy and paste. :o)

- MKShay


Yes, I am still happy with my MK business. And, I'm not torqued at those here, but at one of the latest posts "over there".

This is what really gets my goat, is when someone over there tells their experience and thing slings it all over the rest of us.

If you want to speak for herself or first hand stories, fine, do so, but leave me and the other thousands of MK consultants and directors that you do not know out of it.

I too was a monthly Miss Go-Give. I too and well liked and respected and plan to become an NSD. But,

-No, I did not fake ANYONE to become a director and do not teach others to do so.-My first line offspring have not faked their units either.

-Yes, I have counseled consultants who I felt were ordering more than they should. I have actually told them to stop ordering until they sell some products!

-No, I have never pumped in large amounts of inventory out of my personal budget to make production...NEVER.

-Yes, I have encouraged another director that I saw doing so to step down, I told her that she wasn't saving anything. (And no, she was not mine, so I was not gaining anything).

-I have counseled my offspring that we do not buy production, we sell enough product to warrant our ordering a significant amount each month, thus taking personal responsibility for our units, setting an example of a successful consultant, and making money at the same time.

-I do not encourage consultants to start with inventory that is over their heads. It's really dumb to do that anyway because a scared, overwhelmed, woman usually does nothing, and like it has been pointed out, it can all be returned. My return rate is very low, and consultants regularly contact me to re-join my unit.

-I am happiest when I know that my consultants are making money and so am I. If you build correctly and train your people correctly, this will be the case. When you help enough women get what they want from their businesses, and they are earning money, unit production takes care of itself. REALLY. That is the way that MK is supposed to work.

Please stop blaming me/us if you and others have bastardized/hijacked the system for your own benefit and now you feel badly about it. We are not all like you. I am glad that you finally got a conscience, but those who are truly repentant, don't need to blame others or sling mud onto others undeservedly.

Fess up for your own crimes, and leave the rest of us out of it please.

My Senior is legit, as is her Sr. and our NSD. I know these women and know the intimate workings of their businesses. They are ethical and they make money, every month. I've been around and I've seen it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and there is some in MK, but please stop acting like there is no good or that all of us are bad.

Whew, I feel better now.


  1. I understand how you are feeling. Let her speak for herself, because what she is saying has no truth in my world either.

    And as for her throwing out her stats, with her spreadsheets, I wish more people were analytical because, if she had 6 offspring and 2 were only earning $20,000 commissions, 2 -$10,000 and 2 - $5,000 a year...

    (These are averages:)
    that means the top 2 of her directors were only doing $5000 a month for 12 months (figuring about 1/2 the production was coming from personals) and very few bonuses for a qualified team member or 3 qualified unit members in a month (which if they were all frontloading, they would be getting these bonuses.)

    Well the two earning $10,000 were making months and missing months, getting 9% not 13% of both unit and team, etc.... and should have stepped down until they built stronger. But that would mean that miss xnsd 2 b - would not be acheiving her goal of offspringing directors, could she have been selfish and wanting to be a National so badly, she didn't care that her offspring were buyiing it as long as she was getting what she wanted??? Maybe she developed a conscious when she realized with the type of directors she had developed, she would never have made it to National.

    AND NOW FOR HER LAST TWO, who according to miss x-nsd2b both did court of sales as they bought their production.... if they were only getting 9% of unit production because of missing production, just the commission off their own orders would have resulted in $3240 in commission. So that means the entire rest of the unit did less than $20,000 wholesale production for the entire year! And that is if none of the people doing the $20,000 were personals of the director and no bonuses for recruiting or production were awarded. Of course there are many varialbes that can enter into this but, for the most part, if anyone was only making $5000 a year in commissions, if the Senior wasn't smart enough to tell the diretor to step down, I believe the Company would have.

    Yes, the big mean Company that would rather see a director step down and rebuild then to try a buy production. IT DOES NOONE ANY GOOD FOR A DIRECTOR TO BE LOOSING MONEY AND PAYING TO DRIVE A CAR OR WEAR THE SUIT.

    Of course the very same people that scream Mary Kay condones people buying cars and units, are they same people that scream that Mary Kay requested them to step down, or suggested it may be smart for them to turn over the car.
    Someone has to save these individuals from themselves!!

    As for her getting the go-give award, many people can come across as very likeable. I bet all the people she frontloaded and had quit would have had a different opionion of her. And, are probably over posting on that other site about their awful frontloading, fake, manipulating director. They could probably have a family reunion.

    For miss xnsd2b, I think she saw what she had built was a facade and it was going to be easier to walk away and say, oh, my, I just couldn't do this anymore, it is so wrong, then saying, doggone it, I might have six offspring but only 2 actual might stay which means I only have two, and if all my future ones do this poorly, I don't stand a chance of every making it to National - so after using and abusing all these people to get where I want to be, I know see because I didn't to it the right way, it is not going to happen.

    To Any and all reading this, just because this director claims she was almost a national with 6 first line directors.....doesn't make it so. she might have had 6 offsping at the time, but from her very own figures, within a very short time, she was only going to have one or two. There is alot more into being almost a national then the number of offspring directors you have.

    My humble opinion was she saw the future and wanted to save face and have a great excuse to run away while the getting was good.

    I wonder if it really makes her feel better to pass judgement on evreyone else.

  2. Great topic and great writing! MK4ME, I love your comment that they could have a family reunion over there! I wonder if that has occurred to any of them?

    I posted the following comment on my site because I didn't have the time to start a topic on this myself. I'm so glad to see it here! Here is my comment:

    "I saw Friday’s topic on PT and it is supposedly written by a former “NSD to be” who also claims to be a Miss Go Give.

    She must be Raisin-Stupid-Berry’s sister. She goes on and on about how she left it all and things were so terrible and she did this and that and it was wrong but now, of course, she is a saint because she pointed it out to everyone.

    She is commended in every comment for her bravery, her ethics, told she is wonderful, and blah blah. Yet all these supposedly intelligent women who tell the world about what victims they were missed a very important line in old jta’s writings/ramblings. Here it is:

    “And you continue the wrong every time you do something dishonest, allowing the fake orders and the fake people to this day. I know because I can see it in your reports”


    Still think she is a freaking saint? She’s “pulling” a check every month from the backs of the people she set up to fail."

