
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Women in a man's world - Part II

For many years, men did not allow even the thought of women running a business to enter their mind. When women did enter the “work force”, they were secretaries, assistants, nurses, maids, etc.

The logic (if you could call it that) was that they were incapable of handling the “big boy” parts of business. Ironically, one of these parts of business would be thinking logically instead of emotionally.

Another crucial element that men seemed convinced women could not handle was the crushing blow of utter failure and all that goes with it. You see many business endeavors fail. For a woman who processes things in a more emotional way than her male counterpart, this would be devastating.

You have heard the saying I am sure, “It’s not personal, its just business”. Because women tend to me more relational than men, it followed that they would not have the necessary ability to separate “business” relationships from “personal” relationships, and so would be more likely to ruin the business to save the relationship.

Also, as we learned in Anchor Man, “their periods attract bears”.

So here we are, years later and what are the most common themes on Pink Truth?

“Mary Kay Corporate (mkcorpse as they maturely refer to it) is just trying to make money off of us”

“Now that I don’t sell as much my director/recruiter NEVER calls me”

“I ALWAYS read contracts before I sign them, but it just FELT SOOO good to be “one of the gals” that I just went ahead and signed it”

“I never made any money because I just couldn’t charge FULL price to my FRIENDS and FAMILY”

“SHE told me it was going to be easy and I TRUSTED her because she was my FRIEND”

“How DARE the company that I am a distributor for tell ME what to wear”

“Updating product is not to remain relevant in a demanding market, it is a SCAM to make me buy more inventory”

“No one can sell Mary Kay because the market is saturated”

Times are changing and many women are competing and competing well in what was once known as a “man’s world”. However, if you want any chance of being taken seriously, you MUST distance yourself from the continuous ignorant drivel coming from Pink Truth. If you read between the lines of what is being said over there, the message is that women can’t succeed so they shouldn’t even try.

For those of you “just tuning in” to this blog, that may be wondering whether Mary Kay is “right” for you. Let me give it to you as simple as possible.

1. You are signing up to be a distributor for a company.
2. That company (Mary Kay) is NOT a non-profit. They are in business to make money.
3. Although they are UNIQUE in the quality of wanting to “enrich women’s lives” WHILE making money, this is NOT their PURPOSE. Their purpose is to make money. (As with any business)
4. Although the company places no restrictions on the level you can reach, the fact of the matter is that you have a very small chance of making it to the “top”. The good news here is that anyone CAN make it. The bad news is YOU may not.
5. It is going to take work. A lot of work. Hard work. A lot of hard work. And then more work. Please do not think that it will be “easy”. If someone is telling you it will be easy, you are a fool to believe them.

I know that most of my readers do not subject MK or its assigns to these inane criticisms but I wonder if perhaps some of the readers from PT would care to comment on this. What do you call yourselves? Lurkers? Care to “come out” and play?


  1. PINK BREN HERE....I agree with this. This is a business and should be run as such. I can tell you that anything worth having takes hard work. If you are not willing to work hard in anything that you do most likely you will not succeed. I don't like reading over at pt because it seems there is a lot of blaming going on. The thing is that we have to take responsiblity for our own actions.

    I can't do this because she lied to me. So what pull up your boot straps and move on. I can't do this because of that. If you want it bad enough you will do whatever it takes to make it happen. I am not saying to be unethical in anyway. Do it the way that MKA wanted and it will work.

    Just my opinion. Work hard and it will pay off. Don't work hard and you will get exactly what you put into it.

    Have a GREAT DAY

  2. If this "opportunity" presented itself as a business from the get-go, maybe it would be taken more seriously. When it was presented to me I was told to sleep on it and if I had pink dreams then "God" wanted me to sign up. How ridiculous is that?!

    If this is a business then maybe the weekly meetings should be more business like, not singing, dancing, cheering, and praying. Do we really need to jump up and scream when someone sells $50 worth? And it's very hard to take someone seriously when they are singing the group motto at you.

    And I know, I know. Not all units are this way. But enough of them are that we are at times thought of as a joke. I quit going to my meetings because I once ran into a friend at the hotel where our meetings were and was mortified when she saw how these grown women were acting!

    So if this is a business, MKC needs to get involved and get some structure going. Of course, if the higer ups (nationals, directors) would not play the emotion card, not as many orders would be placed.

    Is there any other company that pushes you to use your emotions when making decisions? On ordering - "What can you do to 'help' the unit?" My director has never asked if I NEEDED anything, just can I please order a little more, we are soooo close. Thank you, girlfriend!

    I think the skin care is AWESOME! The cosmetics are OK. How can you beat the 50% discount? You CAN make a profit. BUT the craziness has got to stop. There should be some accountability at the top. I work for a property management company. There are field agents who find tenants for our properties. When I sign them up and go over the rental agreement with them I ask if there were any oral agreements made between themselves and field rep. Would this be so hard for MKC to do with a new consultant. BEFORE she signs up she should have to speak with a MKC rep, asking what all she was told. Was she told she HAD to order inventory, etc.

    Stop the sorority type meetings. Career conference is a complete joke. Do the director HAVE to wave such ridiculous wands so the unit can find each other? Could there be a better way? Do we have to look like six year olds on a field trip from kindergarten to the zoo??

    Well, enough of my rant. I think there is potential for this company to be better for all in it, not just a few. I do think women can compete with men in business, but only if we act businesslike.

  3. arabella i agree with a lot of what you say. Sometimes I wish that we would just get on with the business of being a business.

    The encouragment that you get at the meetings does have its place. Congratulating someone who sells any amount of product or who has something positive happen in their business is important. You never know what a person has gone through, and when faced with a lot of obstacles, its nice to have someone recognize you for the good things that you managed to accomplish in spite of all the bad. However there still should be more of a balance.

    There should be just as much business training as there is motivation. There is some business training but it gets lost in all the "you can do it, find a way make a way" speeches. I know that there are NSD and other top directors who have made tapes about how to run the business part of MK but somehow the lessons are not sticking. For instance, one of the things that we were told from the start was to get a separate checking account and to split our earnings 60/40 or 50/40/5/5. But how many consultants actually do this? Some of the business training falls on deaf ears because some consultants go on and on about not wanting to be told how to run "their" business. It can go both ways sometimes.

    David also makes a good point. In order to make it in a mans world, sometimes we have to separate from the emotional. MK historically has focused on the emotional and that is where we get into trouble. Sure there is some validity to the emotional part because what we do does help women with their self esteem and gives them confidence. But when it comes to business, we have to be more focused.

    The flip side is that sometimes when we try to be more business like we get criticism. For instance, those that complain about a director who does not call as much when a consulant makes it clear that they are only interested in personal use or no longer interested in MK at all. From a business stand point that director would do well to focus more of her energy on those that are working their business full circle and less attention to those who are hobby level. But when this happens, they are criticized. Criticized for not making the "emotional" decision to continue to try and motivate someone who is not interested, when the "business" decision of moving on and using her time to help and train those that want to move up is more appropriate.

    But as always most hard core MK critics want to have it both ways. Sometimes its the grief we get from other women when we try to be business like that causes part of the problem.

    That is a good idea of having someone from corporate be a part of the recruiting process, but I dont think that calling each and every person that signs up is doable. It would be a 24 hour a day job. I can imagine some new consultants would not get a follow up call for months after they signed. But a variation of it could probably be worked out.

    My goal from now on is to pay less attention to the emotion and more to the business. Since I have done that I have seen more activity and profit from my efforts

  4. I don’t understand why you even keep looking at that ridiculous site,!! I don’t know when I’ve seen such a large group of ignorant people congregate together, other than maybe the Nazi’s portrayed in the movie, Schindler’s List at the concentration camps! Those people are evil! Why even expose yourself to such intense negativity regarding one of the most precious gifts our Lord could bless us with, Mary Kay Cosmetics!?!

    I make it a personal rule to never read the drivel on that site! I remember the one or two times I’ve allowed myself to be exposed to their evil. These are just a bunch of whining losers who couldn’t make a business work and can’t figure out that we are all responsible for our own actions! Tell me, did someone threaten to kill their children if they refused to become IBCs? Did someone threaten to injure other family members? Did someone use some type of blackmail?

    Who is looking out for these people now? God forbid they should walk into some other sales situation! WAKE UP! GET OVER IT! MOVE ON! You made a mistake! Live with it and stop trying to blame others for your own ineptitude.

    There are people who do very well in Mary Kay. Just look at those who post here; there must be, well, I haven’t counted, but some who post here who have done quite well, thank you very much! Why listen to the failures? Listen, instead, to those who’ve used this gift as it was intended. Listen to us who’ve actually enriched women’s lives and made so many feel so good about themselves! Mary Kay Cosmetics is an absolutely wonderful amazing gift to any woman who buys or sells it. It is ordained by God as a gift for those of us willing to place ourselves in the Go Give spirit. If you give yourself this gift, follow the marketing plan, you can’t go wrong.

    Any God given gift can be misused. Even the miracle of Penicillin can cause problems if used other than as intended! The pink truth people are well beyond even deserving our empathy. They didn’t simply fail at a business venture, they failed and can’t shut up about it! Get a life will ya!?

    I beg all in Mary Kay or considering this wonderful chance to share in one of God’s greatest miracles, to simply ignore these foul mouthed naysayers. Rejoice in the gift of Mary Kay. Embrace it and pass it on to someone as you would pass on the gift of your precious spirituality.

  5. i wouldnt go that far anonymous, some would say that your opinion is what makes people think that there is too much spirituality in MK. But if it works for you, then ok

  6. "Ordained by God?" Is she for real?

    Yes, we all have to own up for our own actions. But if you knowingly manipulate someone then you have to own up to that, too. It goes both ways, Anon. Not everyone in MK is as righteous as you want to believe.

  7. eversliegh if I am wrong then I am sorry, but i really think that last comment by "anonymous" was probably baited. Meant to sound like a type of promker who is in the fog and to draw criticism. Its a little over the top for me, but like I said if it works for someone than who am I to judge.

  8. I agree with foreverpink. The style and words used in that anonymous post sound very much like someone from pt wrote it. The only site I've seen the word "drivel" used so rampantly is that one.
    Hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

  9. Dear Ms. Foreverpink-
    Correction, there is no situation where there is too much spirituality. Christ should be involved in everything you do. That’s another beautiful thing about this company.

    “Baited,” you say?!?! I’m not in the fog and we in MK get plenty of criticism already, I’m not looking for more.
    Dear Ms. pinked off-

    I used the word “drivel” one time, as did David in the opening remarks of this thread!
    Dear Ms. eversleigh –
    You said not everyone in MK is as righteous as you want to believe. Correction: Those deeply committed to the Mary Kay Cosmetics Mission are righteous. Those who follow the path set clearly by Mary Kay Corporate are righteous. This wonderfully amazing company is completely righteous! Some who are on the way out as soon as they sign the agreement are, I agree, less righteous. Let there be no mistake. This company is righteous and is not responsible for the unrighteous business failures that happen to occasionally visit its ranks. This company, based on the amazing tradition of God first, is absolutely righteous. Stand up. Defend the beauty of the gift which is Mary Kay Cosmetics and the glorious gift its existence is to woman all over the world. There will always be evil in the world. That’s why amazing institutions like Mary Kay Cosmetics are so vital. Let no one suggest to you this fantastic company is anything less than the right way. Let no one claim, without retort, Mary Kay Corporate is even remotely responsible for the negative stories from negative people spewed by the likes of I believe they’re all manufactured anyway. It’s so simple, you buy a product wholesale and sell it for twice the cost. YOU’RE GONNA MAKE MONEY! Just follow the marketing plan and include our Lord Jesus Christ in everything you do. People wash our wonderful products off their faces every day! It’s a win–win situation. And if there are any out there who have had problems with debt, they shouldn’t have been, apparently, left unattended with a credit card. This is not the problem of Mary Kay Corporation. People should grow up and make informed decisions! People should grow up and be responsible for their own behavior.

    This glorious company should not be burdened with policing the practices of any miscreant who happens to sign an IBC agreement and does some of the unscrupulous things she did before she ever thought of becoming an IBC. We should simply pray for them and continue to teach them they should believe in themselves and should invest themselves in success. And I’m sick and tired of the losers describing investing as “frontloading”! Show me a businesswoman who has been successful without making an investment in her business! I believe the larger problem among some of these losers is they refuse to live in the word and walk with Christ. And right here, among us, is a company that not only allows your faith in Christ to blossom; they endorse and enable such growth!

  10. Anonymous--I think you stated your points quite nicely.

    ~Shades of Pink~

  11. Anonymous -

    First of all, welcome.

    As you hopefully are already aware, this site openly welcomes and encourages all points of view. All participants are welcome to express their point of view and, in kind, respond to the other opinions that are aired.

    You also should realize (if you have read here for any length of time) that I have asked all commentators to use some sort of identity to identify themselves (I will be posting more about that later today). Please help everyone that would like to address you make a distinction between you and the other "anonymous" users by giving yourself a screen-name or at least by "signing" your comment (as PINK BREN) does so as to eliminate confusion.

    More importantly, I DO hold a very strict policy about expressing OPINIONS as FACT.

    Specifically, you have said:

    "Those people are evil!"

    "Mary Kay Cosmetics is an absolutely wonderful amazing gift to any woman who buys or sells it. It is ordained by God as a gift for those of us..."

    "The pink truth people are well beyond even deserving our empathy."

    "[Mary Kay is] of God’s greatest miracles..."

    "Those deeply committed to the Mary Kay Cosmetics Mission are righteous"

    "Let no one suggest to you this fantastic company is anything less than the right way. Let no one claim, without retort, Mary Kay Corporate is even remotely responsible for the negative stories from negative people spewed by the likes of I believe they’re all manufactured anyway"

    While this is not an exhaustive list, these are the types of things that I request people NOT to use.

    Please understand that I welcome you to state your OPINION in any way you so choose. However, you absolutely must realize that not ALL in Mary Kay will feel the same way that you do, and so you should be careful when making it sound like you speak on behalf of those involved in Mary Kay.

    Also, this is NOT a forum for conveying upon ANYONE the designation of "EVIL" or "RIGHTEOUS". (On that note, I certainly must question your understanding of the meaning of those words if you think that involvement in any endeavor (business or otherwise) can so definitively impact your spiritual standing.)

    Again, thank you for your participation and I do believe you have made some excellent observations regarding the company and those involved (present and past). Please be careful to keep separate your FEELINGS about things from the facts about those things.

    Thank you.

  12. I hope one day you are fortunate enough to realize the “feelings” so powerful within those of us blessed with a committed faith in Christ, in conjunction with the direction He has given us to enrich women’s lives through this beautiful company, transcend any mortal concept of feelings vs. facts. These are, thankfully and wonderfully, “facts.”

    I beg to differ with any perception to the contrary. Maybe that’s where the purported gray areas become so much more black and white. What is faith if not a commitment to ideas and conclusions which don’t, won’t and often can’t be subjected to empirical challenge?

    As a child of God I proudly proclaim I am saved. Similarly, as an IBC, I am happily directed, convicted, by Him to share the gift of Mary Kay Cosmetics with all women I meet. I can say to you these commitments are not merely good ideas, not just feelings, these are facts.

    I offer you the most joyous facts I’ve been exposed to in my life, My Lord and Mary Kay Cosmetics. They are intertwined. Anyone who has seen the joy and genuine positive outcomes produced by this company knows this (visit seminar or career conference). Pray. Accept the gifts He has provided. Do as you know in your heart He wants you to do.

    Achieve your dreams in Mary Kay!

    Thank you.

  13. Anonymous,

    I suppose I should have started out saying, "Welcome Back" instead of welcome.

    Regardless of what "side of the coin" you claim to fall on, I will hold you to the same standard.

    I think you will discover (as you obviously have) that this site it in fact quite balanced. If I must, I will delete comments that do not fit the decorum of this site.

    So long as you promote that your perspective of Mary Kay is yours and yours alone your comments will be "safe". (However, do realize that you may be "called to task" by other members here - not everyone agrees with your extremely favorable view of this company)

    I will again ask:

    - Create a name that we can identify you with (You can use your original one if you would like - but you might "have some 'splainin to do"!)
    - Make sure that you do not draw a picture of Mary Kay (or God for that matter) without expressing that it it your opinion or backing it up with a source. I will AGAIN cite some of the examples of things that COULD be grounds for seeing your comments deleted:

    "Those people are evil!"

    "Mary Kay Cosmetics is an absolutely wonderful amazing gift to any woman who buys or sells it. It is ordained by God as a gift for those of us..."

    "The pink truth people are well beyond even deserving our empathy."

    "[Mary Kay is] of God’s greatest miracles..."

    "Those deeply committed to the Mary Kay Cosmetics Mission are righteous"

    "Let no one suggest to you this fantastic company is anything less than the right way. Let no one claim, without retort, Mary Kay Corporate is even remotely responsible for the negative stories from negative people spewed by the likes of I believe they’re all manufactured anyway"

    Your opinion is yours and you are entitled to it (along with everyone else here) but you do not help the purpose of this site (open and honest discussion about Mary Kay) by distorting FACTS with OPINIONS.

    Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

  14. My suggestion is you simply stop criticizing the personal convictions surrounding any individual’s strongly held faith in God and their commitment to this company. I don’t need your or anyone else’s affirmation. My facts stand confidently without your endorsement. May Kay Cosmetics is a God sent gift to any women wise enough to step out and live her dreams. Are you living your dreams? Please don’t be so quick to challenge the phenomenal success stories so widely told about the Gift of MK and the guidance He gives us to put all of ourselves into our businesses. In this sometimes unfair men’s world, women can count on their faith and Mary Kay! Dear friend, there is no distortion in my facts.

  15. I don't believe that I have ever (on this site or otherwise) "criticized the personal convictions" of anyone. If you feel that I did, tell me what I said so that I can either clarify or apologize. It has never been my intent.

    In regards to your statement:

    "May Kay Cosmetics is a God sent gift to any women wise enough to step out and live her dreams. Are you living your dreams?"

    Your use of the word IS and the phrase "wise enough" is unnecessarily inflammatory. You are implying (indirectly or directly) that someone must believe what YOU say in order to believe in God and demonstrate their wisdom. You COULD rephrase it - "I believe that God gave ME a great gift IN THE FORM OF the Mary Kay opportunity. It has been a major blessing in MY life and I am proud to talk about the impact it has had on ME." - This way, you do not unnecessarily draw the entire Mary Kay population into YOUR belief system. Surely you acknowledge that not everyone in Mary Kay feels the same way as you do about it?


    "Please don’t be so quick to challenge the phenomenal success stories so widely told about the Gift of MK and the guidance He gives us to put all of ourselves into our businesses."

    This website is all about challenging the way we see Mary Kay and learning something new about ourselves and this business.

    If you can't handle your views being challenged, I am sorry to say you do not belong here.

    P.S, I am growing tired of this charade, how much longer do you intend to keep it up?

  16. I must ask, Anon, in what way has MK enriched anyone's life? I ask in all sincerity. I see it as a company who sells skin care and make up and perfumes, amoung other things. How does this truly enrich anyone's life? And please don't say self esteem. Self esteem can be gotten from any other company where someone succeeds. What is it about MK that makes it so wonderful?

    I had a horrible start with MK. I was lied to, manipulated. If God were truly with this company wouldn't he make sure that there were no "unrighteous" people associated with it? If God were truly with this company, or any company for that matter, why is there ANY bad things that happen in the ranks? You can't possibly believe that all the stories at PT are outright lies. I do agree they go completely over the top, but I saw some of that personally so I believe it.

    Please explain how you can associate God with any company that is for profit. Jesus didn't charge for anything he did. According to the bible, everything he did was for the good of others. Nothing was for his own personal gain. If we are selling for profit, we are doing it for our own personal gain. Would you stop making a profit, actually take a loss, in order to enrich someone's life?

    As David said, if you make these claims, please back them up.

  17. While Anonymous made some interesting points, I do have to agree with David that making claims that equate Mary Kay with God is over the top. I will confess that upon first reading the original comment, I was leaning toward the possibility that Pinked Off and foreverpink alluded to--it is a ruse.
    There is something about the writing style...

  18. Maybe you just nailed it on the head. I probably just don’t belong here. Regardless, you won’t hear from me again. I don’t care to have matters about my personal faith described as a “charade.” I won’t tax your stamina any longer. I’m out of here… Just thankful I posted as “anonymous.”

  19. *Note*

    Everyone please realize that because this site is not regulated, it is possible that, as shades just mentioned, someone CLAIMING to believe certain things may in fact be parading themselves as the thing they claim to hate, but know does not exist.

    For instance "blessed", for those of you who remember him - COULD be pretending to be that over the top MK person that he is so against because he KNOWS that person does not really exist.

    Eversleigh, I do have some thoughts that would answer your questions to some degree. I was going to let anonymous field them, but apparently he has fled. We will revisit some of those questions soon I believe.

    Thanks all - and Blessed, when you make up your mind about what you believe, feel free to come back and lay it all out for conversation.... notice that I have still not banned you. You have literally "done it yourself".

  20. Mary Kay is a business. Not a religion. I think it is great that Anonymous feels so blessed to have Mary Kay in their life, but it is not everyone's experience and one has to be sympathetic to that. I know there are bad experiences to be had in MK, but I have not had a bad experience myself. My truth is my truth. Someone else truth is not the same as my truth. Some feel blessed to have MK and others feel more blessed without MK. :)

  21. Haha! David, I wrote my last post as you were writing yours. We seem to have drawn the same conclusion.

  22. From the original post:

    "The logic (if you could call it that) was that they were incapable of handling the “big boy” parts of business..."

    Certain opinions seem, in my opinion, to keep MK from excelling in a man's world - and "handling the 'big boy' parts of the business"

    I realize anon has a belief and is entitled to it, I am not questioning that, but I have never heard any similiar responses to men in business.

    From the original post:

    "Another crucial element that men seemed convinced women could not handle was the crushing blow of utter failure and all that goes with it."

    I am not supporting any other sites, but feel that their opinions should not be dismissed or excused stating they didn't work and other comments. I have been exposed to both sides and I know it does happen. When you start a business most people are trying to earn money. When payments cannot be made, for whatever reason, steps have to be taken to resolve that issue (ie, send back inventory).

    My opinion is that we should not make light of these situations but learn from them, if possible, to prevent it from happening again.

    This is a BUSINESS! Some recruiters use the 'best friend' card & influence purchasing decisions. Also the 'sorority' 'pep rally' meetings do not represent a BUSINESS attitude.

    I also agree Career Conference = pep rally. Would anyone's employer send them to a continuing education conference if it were held like career conference?

    Arabella, you said it! Why couldn't MKC add something to the IBC Agreement indicating that min orders of $ 200 required every 3 months to remain active and no inventory purchase is required?

  23. Blessed,

    you said

    "I don’t care to have matters about my personal faith described as a “charade.” "

    I was not calling your faith a charade, I was calling your whole, "I'm an IBC" thing a charade.

    Come back any time.

  24. Wait a minute! Blessed IS this Anonymous person saying PT is evil and MK is a God given gift?

    BLESSED is writing that stuff? Oh My Goodness! ROFLMBO. Way TOO too too funny!

  25. rebecca,

    I will not say that he is or is not, but I will explain MY logical conclusion and allow all to decide for themselves. He is, of course, more than welcome to "defend" him(her)self - it would be interesting.

    1. If you read the comments back and forth between he and I earlier on this website, you will see a VERY striking and uncanny resemblance to the style of our new anonymous friend. Particularly the use of the word, "empirical". (that was the one that set it for me)

    2. I have software that allows me to suspect (not know) that he has been active on this site again (coincidentally at the time of new commentator)

    Again, I have chosen to simply call a spade a spade, but you all must decide for yourselves!

  26. Rural wrote, "Arabella, you said it! Why couldn't MKC add something to the IBC Agreement indicating that min orders of $ 200 required every 3 months to remain active and no inventory purchase is required?"

    IBC Agreement, section B, #2. end of #2, "An Inependent Beauty Consultant is considered "active" in the month a minimum $200 wholesale Section 1 product order is received by Company and in the following two calendar months."

    It IS already in the Agreement.

    As for stating "no inventory purchase is required?" - can't do it. $200 wholesale inventory purchase IS required.

  27. Oh, BTW, that same section B #2, in the middle, talks about commissions and bonuses, and chargebacks. It says,

    " long as both Beauty Consultant and team member are active and provided that commission and bonuses paid on merchandise not sold at retail to ultimate consumers which is subsequently returned for Company repurchase pursuant to this Agreement, may be charged back or deducted from commissions or other sums payable by Company to Beauty Consultant."

    #7 is about the 90% repurchase. #8 has more on the repurchase and also says, "Concultant agrees that Company's cost of any prizes or product bonuses awarded to Consultant because of the original purchase and any indebtedness Consultant owes Company will be deducted from the repurchase amount."

    It's amazing all the details that are already in that little one page IBC Agreement.

  28. To the person who keeps posting as anonymous:

    You say:
    "Dear Ms. Foreverpink-
    Correction, there is no situation where there is too much spirituality. Christ should be involved in everything you do. That’s another beautiful thing about this company.

    “Baited,” you say?!?! I’m not in the fog and we in MK get plenty of criticism already, I’m not looking for more"

    Firstly, please dont make the mistake of thinking that you are the only Christian who post here. I am a Christian who does believe that we should mirror Christ in all of our dealings, business included. There is nothing wrong with making a profit or being in business to make money. I believe that that can be done in a Christ like manner and with integrity. I dont cheat my customers, I treat them the way I would want to be treated and I am honest.

    Secondly, eventhough I am a Christian, I am against those that will use thier spituality to manipulate others in this business. Suggesting large orders or frontlading by saying that doing so is being obedient to the Lord etc.. This has and does happen and those of us who are working our business the right way have been taking a lot of heat from the anti Mary kay crowd who want to lump us all in the same category.
    I am not saying that you are guilty of spritual manipulation, but your post seems to mirror the beliefs that cause the very criticism that we are trying to avoid. Treating Mary Kay as if it is a religion in and of itself is not such a good thing in my opinion and it sounds as if you are doing that.
    But like I said, if that works for you and noone is being taken advantage of and if these are you genuine beliefs that ok..who am I to judge. I just want the record to show that not all of us in Pro-mk are so inclined to be so fanitical in our beliefs about this business. It is my concern that the letter was written to make lurkers see us that way, thus giving credibility to the radical anti Mary Kay opinions.

  29. I've been away for a few days and all I can say is OMG!!! What a series of comments. LOL!!!

  30. Arabella said
    Stop the sorority type meetings!!

    Sorry but this type of activity goes on in Corporate America too!
    Carsalesman, IBM, and Sprint, Verizon! I have been to these sales meetings and MORE and MOST of the companies to the rah rah thing but its once a year like Seminar!!! In some companies it goes on once a week and you should hear some of the expletives that are said. I think MK is light compared to some of the things that go on in sales meetings!!!
