
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Real time comments?

Could it be?

Is it possible?

For those of you waiting with bated breath for a "big move" to wordpress... you may have to wait just a little longer. Because now - BIG THANKS to Shades of Pink - our comments will be shown in the side bar in - wait for it - REAL TIME!!!!

No kidding! Try it yourself!! Just leave a comment and BAM! your comment is shown to the right. As if you needed a reason to leave a comment!

Thanks Shades!

Wordpress fans - don't lose heart. This does not automatically mean that we WON'T be switching... just a little less likely!

P.S. You still need to refresh (F5) your screen to see other people comments in real time. Blogger doesn't refresh automatically.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm happy to see it is working for you! Now it operates just like Wordpress in the comment department. So much better to keep up with the conversations!
