
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Can Corporate control their Directors?

I really wanted to limit my posts to one per day so people could have the chance to discuss and not be overwhelmed, but Eversleigh made a comment that I thought deserved a post of its own. Thanks, Eversleigh, for sharing your point of view!!

Eversleigh said:
  • "I know that consultants are not "employed" by corporate, but I find it hard to believe that MKC does not know what is going on with all the frontloading and buying dictatorship. And if they DO know and choose not to do anything . . . I just can't get excited about that kind of company."

I will give my view of this and then I encourage you all to voice your opinions.

  • First, MKC may or may not know what some (not all) Directors are doing in this regard. If they don't know for sure, how can they do anything without proof?
  • Second, there is "legal" and there is "moral". If a Director is doing things legally and not breaking any laws, then I really don't see what MKC can do about it.

Let me give 2 examples:

Let's say I am a Director and I go over your inventory options with you. At no point do I tell you that a certain level is "required" - but I strongly suggest that you open with a "full store". However, the final choice is yours (which it is). What can MKC do about this if the new consultant regrets her initial inventory choice (other than offering the 90% buyback)? Ultimately, it is HER choice, right? Personal responsibility comes into play here.

Let's say a Director is "buying" her Directorship. Unless she is doing something illegal (such as activating a rep without her knowledge), I still don't see what can be done.

And, no, I don't think that all consultants should be punished/micromanaged because of some bad apples.

Okay, ladies (and gents) - let's hear what you think!


  1. it seems to me that all that restructuring that went on at corporate a few months back was supposed to address this issue. Pink Truth made a big deal out of it and critized it.
    Does anybody remember, Dave did you do a post on it?
    Sean Smith (is that his name?) was given some new title that, to me, implied that they would be monitoring behaviors of directors or something close to it.

    Maybe it just seemed that way to me

  2. First let me say that I do think personal responsiblity plays a part. I only know of my experience and the people I have spoken to - in real life, not on the web.

    I choose to have inventory. BUT . . . I based my decision on what my recruiter told me. Keep in mind, this was before I signed up. I did not have access to In Touch. All I had was what this woman gave me. She showed me her commission check. It was for $3000 (? it's been a while, but somewhere in that neighborhood). She told me that she holds x number of classes a week. She told me that she works part time hours. I had no reason not to believe her. She also told me that she would help me with my initial bookings.

    A lot of what she told me was outright lies. (She later told me that she does not do SCC, directorship takes up all of her time.) Some of it was exagerated. (That commission check was not a consistant pay. She sometimes went months with a lot less than $3000.) Some of it was misleading. (She gave me scripts on how to warm chatter. Not the same as helping me get bookings.)

    Did MKC know about her? How was I supposed to know that at the time of my signing? Do I regret signing up? Yes. I spent a lot of money with not a lot of return. Yes, I sold some but not nearly as much as she portrayed. I do feel deceived, manipulated, used, etc.

    As to what MKC should do about it. I am not the person to ask. I would have thought that any reputable company would have an idea what was going on with it's representatives, though. Directors are representatives of Mary Kay, even if they are not employed by MKC.

    Just my two cents. I am by no means an expert when it comes to MK. I can't tell you how to make it better. I just know that something should be done. Hopefully that is what the restructuring was about.

  3. MKC does set very clear guidelines. The problem is people don't always follow them. There are many reasons why and not all are because they are bad people. Here are some reasons:

    1. Perhaps the director herself does not understand the guidelines.

    2. Her interpretation of the guidelines is not what MKC intends.

    3. When trying to put things into her own words, it comes out miscommunicated. (this is a BIG one and MKC has been putting out literature on InTouch as well as in Applause and other documents verbage that should be used and not deviated from)

    4. She's just plain dishonest.

    5. She's greedy and dishonest.

    6. She's made some mistakes of her own an in and effort to attone for them she tries to encourage large inventory. (DANGEROUS!)

    If a director doesn't have time to hold SCC's and be a director; she simply should not be a director. Directors are expected to WORK. The design of the marketing plan is really designed for everyone to work and prosper together. Of course that is utopian and not reality, but people look for too many shortcuts and others get hurt. This causes a breakdown of the system.

    Can MKC police this? It would be very difficult, but I do believe they are trying.

    I don't have a lot of time right now, so this is not a very complete thought. I'll write more later when I have some time. ;)

    Eversleigh--I fully understand your frustration. There are deceptive directors out there. Fortunately, for me, I am among very ethical directors who know business--and they WORK. I have a theory that eager consultants see directors as nonworkers. That is, they've reached a point in their business that they simply have the unit working for them. There may be times when this happens if the unit size is huge, but when you offspring new directors, you have to start working again because your unit size decreases. I know this through observation. I have seen my director work hard when it is time to meet certain deadlines (car qualification). I have seen her senior director (who is now an Executive SSD) work hard to rebuild when part of her unit is now an offspring unit. She just debuted 2 new offspring units. Of course she now needs to get back into appointments. But, these women work whether they are meeting goals or not. They might not need to work as much, but they work. To consultants who might be working around a full time job plus MK, they might see directorship as a nonworking job. The key is time management.

    Sorry for the tangent. It's just that when I hear/read about a director who admits she doesn't have time to hold appointments, I have to wonder what she is doing with her time. When I don't hold appointments, I'm out of business. ;)

    OK. I'm going to get more organized. I'll revisit the restructuring. I do think it is designed to get the sales force back on track with basic company standards. I'll write more later. Promise!

  4. I was going to make a snide comment, but eversleigh, did you really mean to type "dictatorship" when you meant "directorship".

    I agree with Shay's first example, but I have problems with the 2nd example:

    A DIQ cannot buy her position directly, because MKC will only count $4,000 of her own wholesale orders toward the required $16,000 over four months. So any other production must be submitted under different consultant numbers.

    Ex #1: If a team member wants to place an order, but doesn't have the money, then the DIQ must receive the money BEFORE using her own credit card. A DIQ of one of my wife's 1st line directors got donw to the second-to-the-last day of qualification. She was short, so a team member placed an order using the DIQ's credit card number, and the team member said that she would pay the DIQ back "next week". Well, MKC did a spot-check of the production by calling some of the ordering team members. When the team member told MKC about the above order, MKC voided the DIQ status. (the DIQ restarted the DIQ period and this time finished in 3 months.) Was this fraud? No. Did it violate the DIQ requirements? Yes, and MKC took the proper action.

    Ex #2: Unlike a Director, a DIQ cannot place orders for the members of her unit-to-be. The only way to do that is to log on to InTouch using a team member's consultant number and password. The DIQ could get that information three ways: (a) ask the team member or be given the information freely (because the team member doesn't have a computer or needed to place a previous order and did not have access to a computer); (b) unethically retain the info when walking a new team member through InTouch for the 1st time; (c) unethically create an InTouch account for a team member who doesn't have a computer or an email account, using her own email address. (Note: this should be a real big flag for MK. I can't think of a reason for a unique email address to cross-ref to multiple non-terminated consultant numbers.)

    If a DIQ logs on to a team member's InTouch site and places an order, then an email confirmation automatically goes to that team member. (A really sneaky person could change the email address in the profile page, do the order and then change it back. There is no automatic email that confirms an email change. I just tested that with my wife's InTouch.)

    There are some flags that could alert MKC to possible unethical orders, such as orders done with a credit card and sent to the DIQ/Director's address, not the consultant, but I emphasize possible. As has been stated before, there are valid reasons for doing both.

  5. Okay, Shades, what rumors of "restructuring" are you alluding to, because nothing has come our way, either officially or unofficially?

    The "official language to be used" has been out there for >5 years, and we still hear people say that they "won a car", and I still see occasional bumper stickers that say "we won it".

    Eversleigh, I don't like what your director said or did when she described her performance or her paycheck. If you believe that you were deceived, then you should write a letter to MK Legal. Please be specific. I've been involved in trying to investigate similar situations, and writing a letter full of vague generalities usually results in a he-said-she-said argument. You may be a lone situation, but you also may be the smoke alarm that results in the fire department being called.

    One thing in your latest comment caught my eye. You stated across two paragraphs, "She also told me that she would help me with my initial bookings." and "(She gave me scripts on how to warm chatter. Not the same as helping me get bookings.)"

    To me, this appears to be a matter of perception. I have heard my wife talking to consultants about how to get bookings, and I have heard her talking to consultants about how to coach, prepare and close classes/facials, but I have never heard her actually talking make a booking for a consultant. I think the closest she has come to that is helping a consultant get a booking from a guest at a class. especially getting a date rather than a vague "I'll call you next week." My wife has helped consultants get contacts that the consultant could then follow-up with on her own.

    So when you stated that she didn't help "me get bookings", what were your expectations?

  6. Ha Ha, MKHonesty, I definately mean DIRECTOR, not dictator. She was not a dictator.

    What I thought when she told me she would help me get bookings is just that. Help me get bookings. I had never done MK before, I did not know the ropes. How do you get a booking? Am I to walk up to a random person and recite this script I just memorized, or will you be with me to walk me thru it? When we spoke she told me she would come with me when talking to family members who were into makeup. She told me she would show me how she warm chattered. I got the impression she would take me under her wing. I only saw her at weekly meetings. She only called me on the last day of the month to see if I needed to order anything.

    Sorry if I was not clear in my earlier post. I will take your advice about contacting corporate. I dont' have any proof, though. So it would be a great big ole she said, she said.

  7. The "restructuring" was nothing more than the announcements made a couple months ago of promotions and new positions for people within MK. Sean Keys has a new title as well as Yvette Franco. I was just adding to forverpink's comment. There was a post on this blog on the very topic at the time and I believe "restructuring" was the term used.

  8. Great comments, everyone!

    It'll take me a while to sift through them and comment. :o)

  9. Well, MK Honesty, I couldn't find the reference on this site, but Pynk Myst posted it here:

    Here's the whole post that was originally on InTouch in December. It describes a "new structure":

    Published 12.07.07 New Roles at Corporate

    We are happy to announce some corporate staffing changes that will help us strengthen our efforts to provide Golden Rule Service to the Mary Kay independent sales force.

    Greg Franklin has assumed the responsibilities as Vice President of Sales Development. His area consists of U.S. Sales Development and Sales Director Qualification Services.

    Luis Garcia, previously in the Diamond Sales Development division, has been promoted to Manager of Sales Director Qualification Services filling, the position that was created following Pat Smith’s retirement.

    Sean Key has moved into the newly created role of Vice President of Sales Force Intelligence. Sean’s area will focus on sales force motivation and education. You’ll be hearing a great deal more about this important area of focus for Mary Kay in the coming months.

    With Greg Franklin’s return to the Sales division, Yvette Franco moves into the role vacated by Greg and is now the Vice President of U.S. Marketing. Within her area are: Sales Force Communications, Consultant Business Tools and Education, Product and Promotional Planning and Consumer Marketing.

    Peggy Davidson has been promoted to Vice President, Brand Communications, heading up the Creative Services division of Mary Kay Inc.

    We are extremely fortunate to have such experience within Mary Kay and believe that we are well-positioned for even greater success with this new structure.

    Foreverpink--is this what you were referring to? :)

  10. I also don't believe I said clearly stated guidelines were new. I've been a consultant for 5 years and have always been aware of the company literature and where to find the best info (INTOUCH). My point was that people:

    A. Don't read it.
    B. Don't get it.
    C. Don't know how to communicate it effectively.

    Couple that with these people then having to reiterate what they didn't read, didn't get, and/or don't know how to communicate effectively and you get a really bad snowball effect. I think a lot of it stems from self-made info sheets found on Unit Net. People try to paraphrase and then the original info is lost. It's like playing telephone.

    And btw, I have provided the OFFICIAL info that was emailed and posted in December about MKC restructuring its staff. I alluded to no rumor. ;)

  11. Thanks Shades. Yes, I knew about the corporate moves. (something our dear friends at PT would refer to as "reshuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic".) I thought that you were referring to something that would directly affect the sales force.

    The only (persistant) RUMOR on that line is that Go-Give is going to be broken up among the NSD's. How MKC would do that, i.e. which NSDs would get which go-Give units and how/whether NSDs would be compensated, would be a gigantic headache. I have ideas, but I doubt that MKC is going to ask my opinion. Maybe they should do a survey.

  12. Just a note about ordering, I'm in Canada, and it doesn't matter what level you are at Consultant, Team Leader or DIQ, you are able to place an order for your team member.

    Online - obtaining their consultant # and password from them

    Fax - they just need the consultant # and away you go.

    So re-activating, topping up and so on is definitely happening up here and corporate knows it.

    I honestly don't think corporate can control their directors. You can't control what comes out of people's mouths. The information is twisted to give the best possible spin on it from directors to new consultants to give them hope/motivation.

    A seasoned MK person's results are surely to be different than a new persons so being told as a newbie that you can make X dollar amount is potenitally setting her up for disappointment.

    I always found it upsetting that directors were asked to say what they're commissions were. It's not fair to do this because until you're a director, you can't make that kind of money. And it takes a good deal of work to get there and to stay there.

    The focus should be on appointments. How many appointments held in a week and what was the total sales from that to give the profit level.

    Yes the WOW factor is in the money you can make as a Director but it's not reality for 98% of the people in MK. If only 2% reach director status - I believe they said that in DIT in Texas when I went a number of years ago.

    Same with NSD's - only 1% reaches that and earns that kind of money.

    Just my two cents.

  13. Looking--I agree with you that focus should be on faces. That is what is taught by my NSD and the directors I train with regularly. When they do talk about their commission checks, they always state it was their highest check. I was able to deduce that highest does not mean typical, but sadly, not everyone can make that connection.

    As for anyone being able to order for anyone; to a point, yes, that's correct. However, I view my consultant ID and password as confidential info like a bank ID and PIN. It is NOT advised to give anyone your Consultant ID/password. Now, as recruiters, we know our team members' ID #'s, but they would have to give us the password. If someone is willing to give someone else their private password, MKC is no more responsible than a bank would be if you give your ATM info out. JMHO.

  14. This is to comment about the legality of what Directors say/do and what corporate can do about.

    Years ago, I heard of a group of Amway people who were promoting the "fact" that in order to get into Amway, it would cost around $500 (a LOT of money 20 years ago). This "investment" included the starter kit (around $100 at the time), a whiteboard and stand, and about $200+ worth of extra products (above and beyond what was in the kit, which was a lot).

    This was quickly shut down by Amway Corp.

    However, 2 things had to happen for it to be shut down:

    1. It had to be shown that they were misrepresenting the investment required to join.

    2. They had to be reported so that Amway could investigate.

    I really feel like these questionable behaviors by Directors and recruiters should be reported to MKC. Even if nothing happens short term, it might happen long-term. If there are enough complaints about a certain person, then MKC would most likely spot-check on a more frequent basis. If there is anything shady going on, she will be caught.

    However, if nothing is reported, then how can MKC take any action?

    Right? :o)

  15. Yeah Shades, thats the one. Sean Key's (I knew I had his name wrong)new title sounds sort of like he will be investigating complaints or monitoring behavior of the consulatants or something like that. Maybe its the word "intelligence" that is making me think that way.

    I dont know, but if they have figured out a way to monitor things so as to nip unethical behavior in the bud then thats great.

  16. I think Sean Key's title was something that someone (perhaps it was Sean) thought was going to humorous and/or cute. They had to add the explanation of "motivation and education".

    I'm racking my brain for a quick replacement, but all I'm coming up with is "education" or "instruction" instead of "intelligence". Unfortunately, those two words don't cover "motivation", and sound dry and boring to boot. Does "training" work"?

    In addition to interpretting "intelligence" as something similar to the CIA, it call also be inferred as in "lack of ...".

    The real problem may have been that Sean had outgrown his previous position and there were no open positions above him, so Corporate created a new title. Happens all the time, especially when you have someone that you don't want to lose. The risk is in creating a top-heavy executive suite, or watering down the meaning of the title. We've all seen bank managers with titles of "VP", yet they don't have the power/authority of a true VP.

  17. LookingforAnswers -- What ShadesOfPink said about your cons id and password is entirely correct. The ID and PW should not be given out casually. If a person has to give someone temporary access to their InTouch site for whatever reason, nothing prevents that person from changing her own password at the next available opportunity.

    Whether the order is faxed or telephoned in the distribution center, if a consultant discovers that an order was placed under her name without her knowledge and explicit permission, then that consultant has every right to complain and expect action from MK, no matter whether it is in Canada or the US.

    Yes, you would expect a "seasoned" consultant's results to be better in general than a newbie, but I have also seen experienced consultants stuck in a rut while brand new consultants are zooming. I think that success in sales has much more to do with attitude than seniority.

    Regarding diretor's announcing/telling/using the size of their commission checks, that directors make up the top 2% of the sales force, and NSDs are 1% of the directors, I think that this is just a fact of life, or better, a fact of capitalism. Not everyone makes 30, 50, 70 or whatever thousands of dollars, except in a controlled economy. Even in the former USSR and the current Cuba and Brazil, there are the have's and the have-not's. Have you ever read Orwell's Animal Farm. There is a classic line, "all animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others." Here is an article about the book:

    I didn't realize how different the economies of Canada and the US are until I read the following essay by Mark Steyn in the Hillsdale College newletter "Imprimis":

    In short, I find absolutely nothing wrong with the some people earning more money than other people, as long as it is done legally and morally. While it is not illegal or immoral to state that a person CAN earn X dollars, it is definitely immoral to promise or guarantee that person WILL earn X dollars. The rub comes in whether promising a "guaranteed roadmap to success", as Tupperware does in their opportunity video, is the same as "guaranteed success". I suspect that Tupperware, Mary Kay and every law school in the country would say that just because we provided you with the roadmap or the education does not guarantee that you will be a successful salesperson or a lawyer, especially since in terms of a professional degree, having one onlymeans that you have the minimum required education. I have heard of lawyers, nurses, engineers and naval officers who could not pass their respective professional examinations, which again only serve to certify that the person has the minimum required knowledge.

  18. This post brings a question I am sure has surfaced before, the definition of "independent beauty consultant" / director.

    Still, there is NO WAY that MK Corporate has NEVER had any complaints or indications of wrongdoings by Directors. I agree personal responsibility has to come in but "Hot coffee is served HOT" yet the food chains have that in writing at the drive thrus for legal reasons!

    Of course hot coffee is served hot - but somebody needs to let some of the directors know!

    (This is not intended to include all directors)

  19. Rural, I am sure they have had some complaints about some Directors, but this brings up a few interesting points.

    First, there is a big difference between complaining to your Mom, your Aunt Sally, or anonymously online and formally complaining in writing to MKC with your name attached. I seriously doubt that there are many "official" complaints against Directors. If there were, I would think we would see more of them.

    Second, I don't see how MKC can be expected to do anything without this formal complaint.

    Finally, if there is one complaint about one Director doesn't mean that all Directors have to be scrutinized for it.

    There have been Directors that have been penalized for things they have done in MK. No doubt about it. But I would believe those actions were preceeded by some sort of formal complaint, not just rumors of what the Director was doing.

    Just my 2 cents. :o)

  20. Unlike an employee whistleblowing on her manager, a consultant has no reason not to write a letter to MK Legal about the actions of another consultant or a director or even a NSD.

    Personally, we have "ratted" on several consultants and directors for placing listings in the yellow pages that were obviously not placed through the authorized contractor (formerly TMP, now Marquette Group). How could we tell? The listings were not under the bold "MARY KAY INDEPENDENT SALES DIRECTOR" heading. Furthermore, consultants are not allowed to place listings in the yellow pages under any circumstances. We've also complained about directors placing unauthorized listings in multiple phone books outside of their area. MK allows a director to be listed in one or more phone books for a single area, even if they are in a metropolitan area that spans state lines.

    We've also complained to MK Legal about a consultant using a restaurant marquee for advertising, selling at a flea market, and non-company approved advertising in weekly want-ads papers.

    In each case, we provided copies, photos and/or business cards in our letters. In turn, we received blind copies of the letters sent out by Legal to the offenders.

    Why do we bother complaining and getting these things taken care of? Because, like graffiti, if you let these offenses go, even seemingly minor ones, then some other consultant or director will see it and think, "if she can do it, then I can too."

    We have also provided Legal with copies of flyers/emails announcing city-wide events. Typically these events had some well-known director or a NSD as the guest speaker. That wasn't the problem. The problem was the raffle for $1000 or a "free Starter Kit". These giveaways aren't not common anymore, because I think MKC sent out a letter to NSDs telling them to quit it, but 5-7 years ago, they were rampant.

  21. So it appears that MKC can control their Directors by terminating their contracts. Note that I am only copying and pasting this from there to here.

    This is what's buzzing over on PT today. It was posted by TC herself.

    "I don't know the details surrounding this situation, but I'll tell you as much as I know. This Mary Kay sales director was in the company for 25 years, and the most recent picture on her website showed 11 first-line offspring and three second-line. Her intent was to go NIQ sometime in 2008, and was apparently encouraged by the company to do so.

    She was just terminated, and provided the following information on her website. I am redacting her name to protect her privacy. Although she printed this presumably for her unit, I see no need to make her name very public here until she tells me otherwise.

    It is with a very heavy heart and extreme sorrow that I will be moving on from the business I have built for the past almost 25 years. It is not my intent to make this a farewell, but rather a simple announcement of a change for my future.

    The facts, just the facts, from my recollection of events of the past few days:

    From Tuesday, March 4, 2008 to Friday, March 7, 2008 I was on a vacation visiting my daughter, [daughter], in
    [city] and my father in [another city]. [Daughter] is suffering from [medical condition] as a result of [situation] my father is 81 years old and in declining health.

    On Wednesday, the 5th, I received a call from Laura Beitler in the legal department of “the company. “ Laura asked a series of rapid fire questions about my business. I explained to her that I was on vacation, and the circumstances of my family members. She paused momentarily and then began again with her questions. In the conversation she stated my Director's contract could be effected.

    At no time during that call or any subsequent contacts with “the company” did anyone ever confirm for me what the problems were.

    After that call, I got on the phone to our National Sales Director and to other resources within the sales force as I could... in and around my visits. It was immensely difficult to defend myself while trying not to cause too much trauma for my daughter and father.

    I did not choose to overwhelm “the company” with a barrage of input, so I carefully selected one well known, very successful [location] NSD, my Current NSD and my now retired NSD to contact “the company” on my behalf. I could not have asked more from any of these women. They all jumped right in and came to my aid with wonderful reports about my heart and my actions of the past 25 years.

    Of course, [husband] and I sent information to “the company” as well, but it is difficult to know what to do when you do not know what you are accused of. In addition, it appears there is no procedure, policy or ability within “the company” to bring a formal defense. The entire termination process appears from outside the corporate building to be in a black box.

    On Friday, March 7, I received a call that I was terminated from “the company.”

    On Thursday, March 13, 2008, I received the Termination letter linked here.

    I have taken most of the week of March 10 to try to save my business. All to no avail. Even with some hints from corporate contacts about what might have gone wrong, I cannot conceive of a scenario where it would be appropriate to terminate my contract with "the company" without any warning, without any opportunity to defend myself, without any opportunity to make things right. Especially since I had no known problems in my record during almost 25 years of service. Plus, over the past five years or so, multiple corporate staff members -- from Sales Development Managers to company VPs -- have told me I had nothing to worry about in the NSD approval process. I was once even told I was "pre-approved" for NSD.

    Some of my additional thoughts about what has happened: This feels like I have been given a death penalty without hearing or opportunity for appeal. And what was the crime? Was it jaywalking? Was it speeding? Was it driving without a license? Whatever it was, I cannot conceive of a wrong I could have committed that would give "the company" a good reason to terminate me without hearing or appeal.

    Thank you to the many, many people who have been not only my business partners and associates, but dear friends over the last 25 years. I would not be the person I am today without the part you played in my life.

    Love and Hugs,

    [sales director]
    This is just a reminder for all consultants and all directors: Mary Kay can terminate your contract at any time, for any reason (or no reason), with only 30 days notice. That means that they send you a letter saying you're done in 30 days, and that's it... end of story."

  22. In all seriousness, the Company would not just one day pick a name and fire that director.

    When actual WRITTEN complaints are sent into the Company, they are kept on file, I am sure if enough complaints come in, the Company is going to have a counseling session with that director. I have heard of directors that have been "spoken" to and put on notice.

    We know very little on this case, but I feel pretty sure, there is a history and maybe, one more thing was added to the file and it was the straw that broke the camels back.

    Could you imagine the lawsuit the Company would loose if there was not PROOF of wrong doing.

    Also, the Company is not going to publish in the Directors Memo - directors that they have counseled or warned, and I bet the director isn't going to be singing it from the rooftops either.

    I still remember lol one night reading about another pt poster saying this same thing happened to her. She had no clue, she had never done anything wrong... few days later she is posting how she use to ALWAYS retailed her products at yard sales, flea markets, bridal expos, etc....
    heelllooo, excuzzzze me???? duh...

  23. Actually, I wish the company would publish something in Applause, even if it was just a summary, such as XX consultants were terminated for selling on online auction sites, XX for , etc.

    Personally, I'm all for putting terminated director's names in Applause and the reason for termination.

  24. LOL!! Can you imagine? The Applause or Directors Memo

  25. ok Ladies I have joined MK recently and the main reason is because of my director. Everybody needs to take responsibility for their own success in life and that includes researching before you try anything. Noone held a knife to my throat and told me to sign or to buy inventory. However, it's hard to sell to customer without anything to show...but it can be done some girls in my unit are doing it and quite well. We also have regular contact with our director and she is there anytime I need her to mentor me and help me out. If you have a BAD director it is also your responsibility to let the company know. If there is enough complains the company revokes memberships to anyone who doesn't follow Mary Kay Ash vision. You as a consultant have all the power to speak out and do what is write for you.
