
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What about the part-timer?

Well, boys and girls - I am getting my kit from MK tomorrow! WOO HOOOO!

Hubby asked about my goals/plans - so we sat down and talked about them.

I am actually going to work my Mary Kay business part time to start. Hubby and I worked out which nights I will do SCC's and facials and I will go to a meeting a few times a month.

We discussed inventory choices and made a decision about what to do with inventory.

I told him that I want to earn a car through MK, but that I am not putting pressure on myself to do it in my first year! I am going to build my business and put my family first.

This is one of the great things I love about Mary Kay. I did not sit down and tell him the hours I had to work - we discussed what my ideal schedule would be - and that is what I will work.

The fact that Mary Kay offers excellent earning potential by working a part-time schedule that I choose is one of the most awesome things about this company.


  1. Congratulations and Welcome (Back) to Mary Kay , Shay!!

  2. How exciting. I originally only wanted to work my business part-time, but I've really fallen in love with it and am now planning on expanding.

    I have two team members (and this from the person who told my Team Leader that I would NOT be recruiting). We debuted one of my new team members last night and it was so very exciting.

    Mary Kay is so much more than skin care and cosmetics, isn't it?

    All the best to you!

  3. Thanks, Ladies!

    I plan on going full-time and recruiting, but not at first. I am going to start off slower.

  4. Start off at whatever speed you want, after all IT'S YOUR BUSINESS.

  5. Good for you Shay!!!!

  6. So Shay, this is what... the sixth time you've signed up for an MLM?

  7. Hey, anon - so nice of you to chime in!

    I have signed up in several companies. Some are no longer in business. Not my fault. LOL

    Some were not a good fit for me. Not a big deal! LOL

    Soooooooooooooooo....I went to a SCC and loved the experience - so I signed up! :D

    I know people who have had more than one job in their career - does that make them bad people? Does that make the companies that closed or that they left bad? Nope. They moved on.

    What is the big deal, anon? ;)

  8. Another analogy -

    Does everyone always marry the first person they date? No.

    Finding a company that is a good "fit" is similar, IMHO. You don't really know all of the ins and outs of a company until you actually join it and try it. There is no shame in saying that a company is not a good fit and moving on.

  9. Thanks for the encouragement, anonymous #1!

  10. Hooray for Shay! I'm a part timer, too. I am getting ready to jump into full time with my business. I'm figuring out my appointment availabilities. My SSD announced this week at meeting that she is going to submit NIQ in 2009! I am so excited about this because I can help her reach that goal! She needs 12 first line SD's and 8 second line SD's. I can be one of those 8 second line--oh and she is aware of that! lol

  11. Congrats Shay! You have learned an important lesson about working WITH your hubby on your schedule! You go girl! I know you can do this!

  12. Congrats Shay! With your enthuasim & planning, you are already far on the path!
