
Friday, February 29, 2008

Balanced Mary Kay welcomes new author - Shades Of Pink

I have said before, and will say again... I want this blog to incorporate a larger scope than just my personal observations and musings. Also, I am really busy in my "real" life right now.

As such, I have invited anyone who would like to be an "author" for this blog to let me know. Shay was the first to respond and has been posting some great thought provoking posts. Great Job Shay!!!!

Shades of Pink has also responded and I am looking forward to what we will see from her!

I am very serious about adding different perspectives and again emphasize that if you would like to be an author, let me know. It would be preferable if you have some experience with blogging (esp. on blogger) because it will come very simply for you. Also, I do want to see that you have been participating on this site already.

Please let me know if you are interested.... and Shades Of Pink.... Welcome!!!!



    Glad to have you as an author, Shades!!!!!


  2. Thanks David and Shay! :) Can't wait to get started!

  3. Awesome Shades, but as the "motherhen" director, don't get so caught up in blogging you take too much time away from other areas of your life! haha
    Remember the key is "balance and consistancy".

    but your writing is too good not to share.
