
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Balanced Mary Kay welcomes new author - Shay

I have said before, and will say again... I want this blog to incorporate a larger scope than just my personal observations and musings. Also, I am really busy in my "real" life right now.

As such, I have invited anyone who would like to be an "author" for this blog to let me know. Shay (aka - ShaySC, MKShay, etc.) is the first to respond - and hopefully will be the first to start posting!

This is a first for me (adding authors) so hopefully all will go well and soon several of you will be able to get new conversations started.

Please let me know if you are interested.... and Shay.... Welcome!!!!


  1. Thank you for the opportunity!

  2. David, I will go and try figure out how to sign up to be an author but until that time, I tried my hand at an article. If you think it is worthy of your site, please feel free to post it, if you don't like it, just don't post it.
    Thanks!! mk4me

    p.s. please proof me if you decide to post. :)

    Relion and Mary Kay

    If I am going to try this authoring thing, I figure I might as well jump in with both feet. This is a topic that has always really bugged me when I read the posts on PT about the abuse of relgion in Mary Kay and have always wanted to comment. I truly hope I offend noone.

    First, an observation I have made having been in Mary Kay for quite a few years, different parts of the Country seem to have a different flavor in how much religion is a part of the business. Being from New England originally, I guess we must appear to be cold heathens or something because I notice that it seems like the Bible belt states seem to be far more "religious". Now I am not saying people are more or less spiritual, it just seems there is a difference in how it is portrayed.

    I have seen people that attend Church regularly and say they are good Christians and yet they will run over someone in the parking lot trying to leave the Church.

    I personally feel very spiritual but when I am dealing with my business, I come across as business individual. I feel that my actions, behavior, and my treatment of others is the way I will be judged far more than what I say. (What's the old saying, Your actions are so loud, I can't hear what you are saying!)

    Manipulation by way of religion is wrong in any situation. I personally get very offended when I read stuff like, "the God" we are taught to worship in Mary Kay isn't the same God we are taught to worship in Church. Mary Kay was a woman (personally I feel a wonderful woman) but not a saint. She put her panty hose on one leg at a time. Mary Kay is a business not a religion even if some choose to use it as "their" ministry. If an individual allows the issue to be confused, that is on the individual.

    To try to excuse or justify wrong doing by saying, it was the way you were taught, you are only trying to make excuses for your wrong doings. If you feel guilty about your past behavior, aplogize, ask for foregivness, and move on. The day I stand in judgement, I don't think blaming someone else for my wrong doing is going to get me off the hook.

    Saying that Mary Kay made you lie to your husband, or use someone else's credit card just wrong. It is wrong in MK and it is wrong out of MK. If you wouldn't do it outside of Mary Kay, why would you feel it is right to do it in Mary Kay.

    I have been at Seminar where a speaker has not been my "cup of tea" because it is far more "preach-ey" than "speach-ey" but that is her right and her personality and just because it isn't "me", I still feel she has the right (we do live in the USA)to be who she is if she has earned her 5 minutes in the spotlight. If she is offensive to me, I have the right not to listen. If I were speaking, I would not expect someone to tell me I should be more Scriptual when I speak because that just isn't me.

    The way I see things, we will have temptation in life. If we believe in God versus Satan, good versus evil, we will be put to the test over and over again in our lives. We are even given many examples in the Bible. From the very beginning we are given the story of Adam and Eve. Eve was tested, she choose wrong - Adam made his decision too. Can there be a more powerful scripture in choosing right from wrong. I believe we will be judged on our actions, we will be tempted, our strength to make the right decisions in the hard times is our test. These decisions measure our character. We will all make mistakes, we are imperfect humans, but being able to understand the errors of our ways and not continuing to repeat the behavior
    is in my understanding where we will gain forgiveness.

    I know I am far from perfect, just ask my hubby or kids. I have made mistakes and I am sure I will make many more, but if I make a poor choice that is on me, noone else.

    One of my most favorite sayings - God was good enough to give you a brain, you should show some appreciation and use it.

    As far as the Company philosophy of God first, family second, career third. I have no trouble keeping this in balance. If it on a rare occassion gets out of kilter, I adjust. There are times that I need to work for my Faith and family though. We are not wealthy and I contribute to the financial well being of the family. This means there are times that I must work even if it means maybe giving up something I would maybe not want to give up. The point is, it is RARE for me to have to make such a choice. I would rather have the choice that I have - than knowing every day I must leave my home and work 40+ hours a week, Monday - Friday with no flexibility.

    This is a very emotional topic for me and I just hope some of my passion is coming through in my writing, because I would never want someone unfamiliar with our Company to believe everything they will read on PT. Mary Kay is not a cult. We are free to come and go as we please. There is even the 90% buyback if you choose to leave. We are not handcuffed, bound, or physically restrained, if you want to not be a part of Mary Kay, don't. It really is simple.

    One final note, I have often wondered what they will blame if there is a consultant that is of a different faith or an aethist that makes poor business decisions? How would it be possible to manipulate an individual that didn't believe in the "God" you were using to manipulate with but still made the same mistakes??

  3. MK4ME...good post. I am from the South and I can tell you that I put the Lord into every aspect of my life. I try and pray before I do anything. I do feel that the Lord is an important part of my life, my businesses everything really. I know that I live in the Bible belt however I would probably be this way even if I didn't. I love the Lord with all my heart and it is my desire that people see Him through me.

    Do I get offended when some don't feel like I do? No I just pray for them that the Lord would reveal Himself to them. My relationship with my Lord is very personal. I to get upset when they mention it on pt it is like it is something ugly. Like you said we are human. There was only one perfect man and He died on the cross. With all that said we do live in the USA which I might add was founded on Bibical principles.

    OK stepping off of my soap box.

    Pink Bren

  4. MK4ME...good post. I am from the South and I can tell you that I put the Lord into every aspect of my life. I try and pray before I do anything. I do feel that the Lord is an important part of my life, my businesses everything really. I know that I live in the Bible belt however I would probably be this way even if I didn't. I love the Lord with all my heart and it is my desire that people see Him through me.

    Do I get offended when some don't feel like I do? No I just pray for them that the Lord would reveal Himself to them. My relationship with my Lord is very personal. I to get upset when they mention it on pt it is like it is something ugly. Like you said we are human. There was only one perfect man and He died on the cross. With all that said we do live in the USA which I might add was founded on Bibical principles.

    OK stepping off of my soap box.

    Pink Bren

  5. I love your post, MK4ME.

    Excellent points! :D


    I signed up last night!



  7. Congratulations Shay! Woo hoo!
    How did you select your recruiter??

    Can't wait to watch your progress. Of course, no pressure from here, just loads of support!

  8. Yay! Welcome back to Mary Kay (officially)!!! It will be fun watching your business grow! :)
